Good site for vehicle repair


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Greetings to all, has been awhile since I have been around due to major eye surgeries which took me off the road 4 years ago, truly miss it, but seems like you always remember the good times. Matter of fact in 97, when I started, those were great times. Anyway some of you may know of this site, some may not, I have found it very benefical as well as interesting, it will probably assist most of you with your privately owned vehicles, might be a few articles or two on vans, but if you send this guy an email with a question on your van, I am sure you will get an answer. Additionally, this is posted for the benefit of the drivers, I have nothing to gain or to loose. It's there for the viewing, and if you sign up for emails, you will get frequent emails with photographs of repair jobs which helps a lot. Glad to see Cheril is still around, not enough time to see how Gregg is doing, last time that I spent any real amount of time on the board, noted a lot of the original drivers/members are no longer around. I wish the best to all of you, hope November will bring you a lot more work. P.S. This site is mostly electrical repairs.

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