How cares if steel case isn't reloadable? It's target ammo anyways. I'd much rather have 3000 rounds of steel that a 1,000 of brass. People that don't like steel cased ammo just hate Russians lol Jk. But to back up my statements check out the military arms channel on YouTube, that's what he uses in all his videos. Make sure you clean you gun properly and there shouldn't be an issue
Sorry, can't buy it. Goes against EVERY I have been taught and learned. The steel in the cases can be as hard, or hard, than the steel in the throat of the chamber. It will cause excessive wear over time. The Russian stuff is also often not consistent, in chamber pressure, accuracy, etc. Cleaning has little to do with it. With ammo the old saying, "you get what you pay for", holds VERY true. I like HIGH end stuff, for hunting and target. Nothing like making only one hole for every 3-5 shots. Low end ammo is not capable of that.
What about the "goofy" part with 62gr? Like to know more, may be able to help.
The "reloadalbe" part of the brass makes it sellable, even if you do not reload.