I overlooked this thread here in the “LOADING DOCK” but now that I’ve read it I must add my bucks worth. I tried to add my 2-cents but the forum-master told me 2-cents would only buy a few words, and we all know how long winded I can get!!! LOL!
If your not a caring person and are not a member of this forum to help when you can and/or to learn what you can (teaching and learning) with and from other forum members you may not want to read this reply
Jim Bunting – cj – Retread – Suz – TR - Wild Bill – Travis - Bob and Hooligan - phil-motor city – Ridgerunner - doe.mouse – LittleBigTruck – TRUCKNMAMA - Neverhome247 – garyaddis – Dkalasz – Toes – Olko – WendyCal – mikecop,
The list goes on
The $1000.00 fuel giveaway (winner GEO) – The Rating popularity contest (winner Yours Truly (Teacel)) – The Name that forum, Truck Talk (winner louixo) – The 2nd Name that Forum contest, Loading Dock (winner Ground Hawk) – The Picture contest (winner catfish)
REMEMBER ALL THE HELP YOU RECEIVED FROM FELLOW DRIVER. Remember when you came into expediting if it was before EO how long it took you to learn the ropes. If you were lucky and the driver next to you at your lay over was friendly and knew the ropes, but most of all respected you as a newbie and shared key info with you so you might make it as an expediter.
Remember all you who entered into expediting who found EO. How many of you went to the older more experienced drivers looking for answers? How many can remember sending Mark, Rich, Lawrence and myself all those emails along with all the questions being posted daily?
That brings me to why I replied to this thread. In the subject line
“THE GOOD OLD DAYS” then went to the subject about credentials. Fortunately the Mods didn’t catch it or maybe let it slide on purpose. In any event, When all this controversy came up about posting your years in the business whether you’re an owner or driver, the type of truck you own, OR!!!
Was there a format set yet? THERE SHOULD BE! You Mods may want to come up with a 3 or 4-line template for those of us who wish to post our credentials in our sig line.
At first I didn’t think it was going to be a good idea for a lot of the reasons and concerns shared throughout the EO Forums. After pondering on this and reviewing some of the archives and seeing how some less experienced drivers get through a trip by the skin of their teeth but do everything wrong, from accepting the load involving more deadhead miles than the actual trip thus loosing money, to picking up the load, to not doing a per-trip, to securing the load wrong, to driving out of route by many miles, to getting the load delivered late. Then coming on the forum giving that same wrong advise or even worse not do some things necessary to same time. (I here some newer drivers ask what is a per-trip, or hear some say a per-trip takes away 15 or 20 minutes.) So after reading back and giving this sig line suggestion some thought I will be editing my signature very soon.
ATCO posted in a reply:
It concerns me that, I as a newbie, thirsty for advice from those with it, can't come on here and participate. Why can’t they come on the forums an get advice or help? This discussion (IMO) is scaring off the participation by those who may have some insight into a question, Your looking at it all wrong Joe. The fact of the matter is, it is reassuring those looking for advice and help (depending what it is they’re looking for ie: how to secure a load of chickens not in cages to a flatbed. Who better to give you the answer than a guy who has done so (see Weave), or if you ask how to use loadlocks in a tanker, (see Rich M)) The credentials in a sig line is going to reassure you are getting the best answer from the most qualified. but do not share because they do not have proper authority based on their limited experiences... If a poster is not going to post using this as an excuse, that person didn’t want to help you in the first place! I guess what I'm asking is, am I, as a Newbie with no truck welcome to this forum? Joe! You are more welcome to this forum than most of us old heads are. You bring new blood. Because Mark and me is who we is, and Rich, Nancy, DD, Terry, Dreamer, Davekc, Glen, Vanman, RobA, Elmo, and many others (sorry if I didn't mention your name, can't write them all) is who they is (told ya I’m no English Major) we are all very sincere in helping new people enter into this profession. If you have ever gone to a EO Expo seeking info on expediting and happened to meet Terry he and René would spend 2 or 3 hours explaining what expediting is all about. They make sure you fully understand everything. They do this from the heart! Neither gets paid for the time spent with a new inquirer. I have been known to meet some new drivers coming through my hometown and even buy them a cup of (Duncan-Donut) coffee, but if I meet an old head he has to buy!!! I even offer a place to park and plug in. What I am saying Joe, is a new person entering expediting reminds most of us what it was like for us when we were new, and we give you all as much advice as we can hoping to make things a little easier for you. THEN ON THE FLIP SIDE WE HAVE A FEW MEMBERS WHO FEEL YOU SHOULD HAVE TO ENDURE AS THEY DID OR LEARN FOR YOURSELF (PAY YOUR DUES), there are some eager beavers who’s ego is running faster than their experience where they want others to think they are someone their not, or pretend to have more experience than they really do. If I was a new driver just getting into expediting I would want the more experienced drivers giving me advice on what I may need to do, but I still want all the other new drivers sharing their experiences like what worked or didn’t work for them. If I were going to build a truck I would want all the advice I could get from those who have done so before, not from those who are also thinking of building, unless it is to share different ideas, or make suggestions, but not give advice. I surely wouldn’t tell other new truck builders I’m not going to talk about what I’m doing or how I’m doing it until after it is done. WHAT KIND OF HELP IS THIS???
I am a van owner so how can I provide you with advice pertaining to a D-unit? What if your question was vague whereas you ask a Q, needing info for your D-unit, but didn’t put the size truck in the post and I gave you info pertaining to a van? A VERY BIG DIFFERENCE! If in my sig line you saw I was a van owner you would then know I was responding based on a van. Makes a big difference! Hope to see more of ya, Joe!!!
Remember how some of the drivers used to bash the company they drove for! I loved reading these posts. Today a driver would
because he had to sit an extra 5 minutes and tomorrow he was bitching because he was running to many miles. Fed-Ex got the most bashings and are rated #1 in my eyes. I always believed most drivers bashed their company for the love of that company. WHY!!! Well they (the drivers) are on a mission to keep other drivers from joining their team so there is more work for that driver.
Remember all the fun we had with all those one post wanders or those flamers coming to the forum bashing one of us because we told it like it was. Remember how few members were terminated because they just didn’t get it. Remember Brandy!!! He sure was a bundle of laughs. Remember Wild Bill and his picture in the Santa suit or him eating the burger bigger than him. Ah, the good old days!
Look at all the interesting people we’ve met over the yrs on this forum! All walks of life come to EO and into expediting. We are all here for whatever the reason may be, and we only have each other as support, so RESPECT one another. If you are a newer driver be proud that you made it that far. We should all be proud of who we are and what we have achieved, and not let our egos divert that pride.
Remember some of the ladies on this forum were first intimidated about posting and actually disguised their identity, hoping others would think of them as another guy. And are now more proud of who they are than most men.
Remember all the Expedite Expos EO has given us over the yrs. Remember all the
SPONSORS HELPING FUND EO!!! Look at all the items the EO sponsors have donated and drivers have won at the EXPO’S and the contests.
Most of all Remember this forum is and always has been our forum. EO and Lawrence may be the founders but without us there is no forum. New or old you have the right to address someone or something not right, but doing so in a respectful and professional manner. You also have the right to not exercise that right and if you would rather not get involved there is an alert link in every post in the forums. Clicking on the alert will notify the Mods and Staff of a potential problem without you getting involved.
This post is dedicated to all those past members, sponsors and staff dedicated to giving us this forum!!! LOL!!!