Veteran Expediter
I for one am appalled. Could Chef's favorite talk show host be a fraud? You tell me....
FAKE 9/12 PROTEST PHOTO|Weekly World News
FAKE 9/12 PROTEST PHOTO|Weekly World News
I for one am appalled. Could Chef's favorite talk show host be a fraud? You tell me....
Hey letzrock,cool it wit da boom boom's over dey,if ya catch my drift.![]()
When the smears begin, you know you're on to something good......STORY
NO ONE must speak out against this president and this administration, it simply CANNOT be allowed!!! Didn't we all see this coming starting with Joe Wurzelbacher??
I beg your pardon but I submit there are many more speaking out against this President than there are people speaking out for him...not just here but everywhere. By the way, Joe Wurzelbacher is a joke. He was a pawn in the Republican's game that didn't work.
more speaking out against this President than there are people speaking out for him..
An afterthought on the quote below....he has MANY speaking out FOR him and many of those that do....are in far more powerful places than those of us speaking out against him.
Perhaps that is true at this time. I am certain this will change.Wondering what, in your opinion, would change this as it certainly is hard to envision at this point in time. We are a goverment of the people, by the people and for the people. I see that as what we're SUPPOSED to be, not how we are in reality. Those that really got behind him and voted for him are those who were first time voters just coming of age when that freight train campaign got rolling. A 20 or 22 year old thinks differently that an 18 year old. The opposition will come. Maybe so but I don't see that happening in this particular demographic due to many different factors. The key is for the Republicans to come up with a viable option ASAP. Bashing the opponent only goes so far. Much of what is being said and done cannot fall under the category of "bashing".....i.e....is it bashing when someone exposes things going on that should not go unaddressed? At some point you need a good offense.
I don't know Rocket, it seems to me that bashing the opponet is ALL you need. That is all the Dumb-O-Crats did. They ran a candidate with NO experinence, ties to subversive groups and known associations with known traitors and MOST of their babble was just Bush bashing. King PUTZ STILL resorts to it from time to time. He still acts like he is running a campain. Of course, maybe that is ALL he is able to do, he is such a PUTZ!! I wish him NO personal harm but pray everyday that aliens abuct him and the rest of his cronies. Maybe they can get the ENTIRE bunch of elected officials AND Pravda (the news media) at the same time.
I know, BUT, IF WE the People tell those parties to "BUZZ OFF" we CAN take back our control. It is ALL up to us. ONLY we allow the status quo to continue. WE have allowed this to happen, WE are allowing it to continue, VOTE THEM ALL OUT/STOP PAYING TAXES and FIGHT THEM IN THE STREETS if all else fails. It IS our RIGHT to be free, NEVER GIVE IN!! In the words of the New Hamshire state motto: "LIVE FREE OR DIE!!!!" WOW!!! Now that was profound!!
A proven charismatic, fiscally conservative, social moderate could get it done if somebody gets on the ball...I like John Kasich, but he is running for Ohio governor.