General Motors starts layoffs


Veteran Expediter
GM plant in Lansing announced they are shutting off second shift. 2nd shift in Lansing may come back after the startup of the new Camaro no time frame given on the Cameron.
Also Lake Orion will be shutting off second shift.


Retired Expediter
Holiday season coming up.....people start thinking Christmas and gifts and so car sales should drop off....and so goes production...


Veteran Expediter
If I heard the news broadcast properly they said Lansing has had a building inventory for some time. I believe it's a Cadillac that is not selling so a decision was made to shut it down. No idea what's happening at Lake Orion, I change the channel after a few auto workers blamed it on the governor/ elections and a few saying how dare they do this at Christmas time.


Retired Expediter
If I heard the news broadcast properly they said Lansing has had a building inventory for some time. I believe it's a Cadillac that is not selling so a decision was made to shut it down. No idea what's happening at Lake Orion, I change the channel after a few auto workers blamed it on the governor/ elections and a few saying how dare they do this at Christmas time.

OMG how dare they manage their business with profits in mind to keep them in a job!! what Idiots!!


Veteran Expediter
I do feel bad for them. To get 95 percent of your pay or whatever it it is just isn't fair. Sheet just imagine a paid vacation all winter long.