Does anyone really believe PornHub is a credible source of statistical information?
Actually, yeah, that's what Pornhub Insights do for a living. They track porn viewing habits of all kinds, then they release a big, ol' sticky mess of data about the country's porn habits, which produces some really funny stuff. They tracked, for example, which cities turned off the pron during the
Super Bowl, and which ones turned it right back on the instant the game was over. They tracked which countries watched the Olympics instead of porn. They track the keywords people in your state are searching for. They track viewer stats on holidays.
Has anyone mentioned that the state at the top of their list (MS) also has the highest percentage of African-Americans of the 50 states, and the state at the bottom (MT) the smallest - and that Southern states have a higher percentage of African-Americans in general (see map below)?
I don't think they have. Nor have they mentioned the most common search term in predominantly black states is "ebony."
They also haven't mentioned, and asjssl will get a veritable woody over this one, the states which consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption.
You can deny, deny, deny, but the numbers are what they are.
The sore thumb sticking out, however, is Washington, D.C., where residents watched more porn per capita than any other state last year, by a lot. The seat of the U.S. government watched 14.18 videos per person. That may not sound like a lot, but it’s almost twice the 7.52 videos per person watched in the number 2 spot. You tax dollars at work.