Fuel Tax Reporting


Veteran Expediter
Please excuse our ignorance.
We're not really clear on this issue, all we know is the carrier looks after it.
We read something about quarterly reporting, but haven't seen anything to that effect.
Would your normally have to pay more, or get a rebate?
Is this something that only the carrier should be concerned with?
Should we be seeing some kind of quarterly statements?
Haven't seen anything yet.
Thanks for any info, or even a link somewhere that might explain it in understandable terms.
Btw, we are in Canada.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I can only speak for how it works for me but perhaps that will help some. Panther takes care of the quarterly tax reporting. They send out a statement by email detailing the quarter on a state by state basis. In some states you will owe more and in some you will have a credit. Overall you may owe more or have a credit. Most people owe more because they don't understand the difference between price and cost at the pump. There is a thread in the newbies forum discussing diesel price vs cost and the effects of fuel taxes on those numbers. See: http://www.expeditersonline.com/for...4465-diesel-price-versus-cost-whose-20-a.html
Most folks will fuel in GA because it's about a dime cheaper than FL. FL gives almost 16 cents more fuel tax credit per gallon than GA so buying 100 gallons in GA for a dime less a gallon results in a net loss of $6 compared to buying the same amount in Florida at a dime more per gallon. Prices have to be checked regularly but it does make a difference. In the last quarter I owed an additional $5.87 and the three people who's statements I have access to owed from $130 to $180 each.