Fuel Tax Question


Veteran Expediter
Ok this is a dumb fuel tax question.

I got conflicting information about fuel taxes and the GVW of a truck from my state (great state of [strike]denial[/strike] Michigan).

Can someone explain the difference between >10K, 26K and >33K trucks with fuel taxes?

Is there a difference or are all trucks covers above 10K?

Also I was told that the Apportioned and the IRP (or what ever it is) is in effect anything above 10K?

Thanks in advance.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I believe it is anything above 26,000 must be apportioned if it leaves the state with a commercial load.
I would check as it used to be that way but haven't had any trucks under 33,000 in a long time.
You state IRP office would have specific information

I operate in FL and TN but here is the basics from TN

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Thanks Dave, thats the problem it seems my state hires dumb people. I get one answer, a pause and then told to call another number to confirm the information and then get different answers, confusing and frustrating.

I like the manual, cool boots!

I would like to hear from others.


Expert Expediter
26,000 GVW is the Magic Number for fuel Tax.

Everything Over 26,000 GVW files fuel tax. (and requires a CDL).

Everything over 10,000 GVW is subject to hours of service regulations.

In accordance with the current DOT and Federal regulations. NOT our challenged friends at the BMV.

Thanks for bringing up this topic!!
