It's a Team's Life Fuel Mileage Update : It's a Teams Life


Staff member
On Time Media Staff
We now have 79694 miles on our "new" Cascadia and we are pleased with her performance.

The Caffcadia likes the heat and so far in April we have had one fill-up at 13.913 for 972 miles and two fill-ups above 12 mpg. The lifetime fuel mileage average to date is 11.82 and we think it will get better once we add the skirts to the truck.

Our empty weight is over 31,000 pounds so we are not a lightweight and any freight over 1500 lbs. we need to lower our pusher axle. Due to the type of freight we usually haul our pusher axle is not needed often.



Staff member
Wow, some cubes i met on the road don't get that mileage. I bet that driving 'slow and steady' has a lot to do with it.


Veteran Expediter
What types of things would you suggest to get your fuel economy up in a truck similar to yours if you don't own it? We can change small things, and currently we are averaging about 10.2 mpg. Sometimes a little more. We do light freight, don't use our other axle much, and drive about 63-65. It's also a Cascade with a large sleeper. Just looking for a few tips.


Staff member
Butterfly610 I did a blog on ideas that has some without doing any modifications to the truck:

You do driver faster then us as our average speed in this truck is 60 mph. Do you have the DT12 transmission? If so that will help and really with the DT12 the best thing is to never put your foot to the floor and keep the RPM's very low when taking off from a stop.