Friday no loads 7:00pm


Veteran Expediter
For January its been decent (nothing like last year right spot, right time, fun times.)

Ran very hard December---nice profitable month..

Getting homesick, worn out a little, when and how far do you all say ( GOING HOME) Football this weekend, could still salvage a little or stay put and probaly spend close to the same as I would in fuel.

Direct question in this spot whats the DH miles your willing to drive home????


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Much would depend on where I am sitting, distance to home, and location of home.
Where are you? and where is home?
Locating a load on your own home, is the other option.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Broom... If I were out as long as you usually are, I'd dh too. Especially to see the Hawks kick the Panthers' butts! :7


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Broompilot asked, "Direct question in this spot whats the DH miles your willing to drive home???? "

That varies a great deal among expediters. We once met a team that had been expediting for many years. They would deadhead home once a month no matter what, and no matter how far they had to go. They lived in a gulf coast state and boasted about getting home from Canada and Calfiornia if they had to, but always getting home. For them, getting home was a high priority and they did what it took to get there. The "how far" question did not matter to them.

We've met other teams that stay out for months at a time, feeling very much at home on the road. Diane and I are in that group. We plan one trip a year home for Christmas. As Christmas approaches, we start monitoring our location relative to the time it would take to drive home to arrive for the holiday. For us, it's not an issue of "how far" but "how long?"

That's not to say we go home once a year. The freight takes us close to home (Minnesota) a few times a year. Whether we stay over or keep running depends on how we feel and what work - if any - needs to be done at home. Since our residence is maintenance-free rental space, and we maintain pretty-much a property-free lifestyle (no cars, very few household goods), there is very little work to do at home. With no children at home and each other in the truck, we don't feel the tug toward home many expediters do.

The "How far?" approach is cost-per-mile based. Where the need or desire to be home is strong, but the desire to maximize profits is also strong (it was not with the first team I mentioned), the question you raise comes to mind with nearly every load.

Lawrence McCord has said "Expediting does not tolerate a personal agenda." He's right.

We've found expediting to be a fantastic business as long as we are free to go anywhere and don't have to be in a particular place at a particular time. But as soon as we set a date for a meting or training or a truck show or to go home, expediting becomes more complicated. We find ourselves turning down good loads because they go in the wrong direction, or deadheading past several good freight centers because we are trying to get someplace else.

A pastor friend of mine, who minsiters to dying people, once said to me, "I've never heard anyone say, 'I wish I would have spent more time at the office.'"

I doubt any expdeiter would say on his or her death bed, "I wish my revenue-per-all-miles number had been higher than it was."

I've seen numerous truckers in trucking magazine interviews say, "I wish I would have spent more time with my family." (or words to that effect).

Broompilot, I've been in your house and met your family. If I were in your shoes, I'd feel the tug toward home too. You have created a nice life for yourself and your family.

You might give some thought to the get-home-no-matter-what goal held by the drivers I mentioned above. It would not be the most profitable goal you could adopt, but it might be the happiest. It's a goal that all expediters would respect and some would envy.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Excellant reply Ateam. I would suspect that some of the people who were willing to get home at any cost may have modified their outlook as the price of fuel has gone up.

Broompiolt, you've made it clear that you miss your family when you're out. As someone who has been there when my kids were young, I know what you go through. Only you can know what you can tolerate in getting home. Is it $100, $200? Whatever the number, it is well spent if it keeps you close to your family.

And, it's going to be a good football Sunday. The play-off games have been great so far. That probably means a yawner of a Superbowl, which will be my next weekend home.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks yall, A-Team thanks I will admitt I have been very blessed over the years. This is something (trucking) I have always wanted to do no excuses made a goal saved for years (not just a year) to make this a reality and I enjoy it almost as much as I thought I would. The E/O and its family members has made the lay overs much more enjoyable and entertaining.

It is a financial decision as much as a 11 hour DH. You all sealed my decision, there are quite a few trucks in the Memphis area so in my opinion the freight does not look that good out of here until it clears out and I just am not in the mind set to go party at a Bar or Casino by myself to enjoy the PANTHERS when they kick the *&()^^ out of a bunch of overrated SEAGULLS. Someone forgets the upset of the Century the 69 jets, dont take your prize until its won the Panthers did not get where they are by LUCK plus we have expierence of being there done that. Panthers have the best coach in the NFL right now injured or not Julias Peppers is according to the radio sports shows (twice as good as any other defensive player healthy. I am just quoting but agree.

I will be out mid week next week and back home for the big game than take alot of time off in Feb.

I am gona DH back out of here should be home around midnight.


Veteran Expediter
You're forgetting one important thing. If being to the big game before is all that matters, we'd be seeing Green Bay vs Kansas City for the 40th time. Two years ago was your first time in, so you had to beat teams that have also been there before that. I wish the game were on earlier... the anticipation is KILLING ME!!! :7

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I'd like to see the Steelers take it. Cowher deserves it, and how can anyone not like The Bus?