France, could they be right for once?


Veteran Expediter
France: no mass legalizing of immigrants

PARIS - France's new immigration minister ruled out the possibility of legalizing undocumented immigrants on masse, saying Monday that government policy would be firm and pragmatic.

Brice Hortefeux heads the Ministry of Immigration and National Identity — newly created by President Nicolas Sarkozy to manage the inflow of immigrants and protect French values and cohesion.

"We have to put aside massive legalization. It doesn't work and it penalizes, even immigrants," Hortefeux said on Europe 1 radio. Policy, he added, would be guided by "firmness and humanism" with "lots of pragmatism."

He said he planned to adhere to the policy of deporting illegal immigrants from France. The number of deportees was expected to reach some 25,000 this year, and Hortefeux said he would ensure that figure was reached.

The conservative Sarkozy, elected president May 6, had reached out to the anti-immigration far-right to capture votes, rankling some of his own allies by creating the new immigration ministry. Critics have said the government should not mix immigration with national identity.

Hortefeux said he would meet shortly with officials from the hotel and restaurant industries, which rely heavily on immigrants.

Hortefeux also said he would not question a long-standing policy of "family grouping," which allows immigrants in France to bring their families here. But he indicated, as Sarkozy has, that the policy may be modified to ensure the integration of those who join relatives in France.

"It must be carried out in respect for the dignity of those who want to come and (in a way) that favors their integration," he said.

Sarkozy has said he wants to ensure that those who join families in France can speak French and that relatives can support the newcomers.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Perhaps there is hope for France yet. At least in this instance our leaders could learn from them.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
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EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I worked for a French Company located south of Paris for about 8 years and frequently traveled over there. They do do some things right. Their school system is funded by the Federal Government not property taxes. All districts receive the same amount of funds based on the number of pupils so the education and learning experience is pretty much standard all over the Country. The only way for people to change it is too send their children off to a private school.

They totally protect their home grown industries. I was there when the Japanese were attempting to negotiate bringing into France Datsun's and Toyota's. They wantd to import about 20,000 vehicles. The French said OK but we want to export to Japan a similar amount of Puegot's and Renaults. The Japan trade commission said "Oh no that wouldn't work as your automobiles are not suited for our highways". The French then laughed,told them to urinate up a rope and walked out.


Veteran Expediter
Rich, from all that I am told you don't have the local schools like here, you have a choice to send your kids to a school that fits them, meaning that the money follows the kids, not the kid chasing the money.

The other thing is they are very protective of their home market and one of the few countries that you do not see Japanese cars all over the place, as you mentioned. But they are in a fight with the EU, seeing that the EU is led by the germans right now, Merkel wants france to play fair with imports and exports and use the caps set for production of produce for all EU nations but france has told the EU that it is a matter of French pride and national identity to have french products exported at the same time supplying the home market with the same french products. I am wondering if this will further unravel the EU and set the breakup to happen.