Fox News is the most watch cable news network.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yeah, but Fox is to news reporting like McCain was to presidential candidates.

The two that ran last year, McCain and Obama, when compared to diseases came out like this. Obama is terminal brain cancer and McCain is drug resistant tuburculosis.

It is the same when comparing Fox against the rest. None of them are worth the stuffing in a bag full of dog doodoo.


Veteran Expediter
The two that ran last year, McCain and Obama, when compared to diseases came out like this. Obama is terminal brain cancer and McCain is drug resistant tuburculosis.

It is the same when comparing Fox against the rest. None of them are worth the stuffing in a bag full of dog doodoo.

Sometimes you do just nail it ..... (leaving aside the "inside sources", "cover-ups", and "multiple shooters" of recent posts)

The reason that Fox is as popular as it is isn't because they are "fair and balanced" (they aren't), it's simply because they provide an alternative to what the public knows is an otherwise obviously biased, left-leaning media.

Their popularity is a direct reflection how much people as a general rule prefer to be given the straight scoop, the honest dope - without all the spin, selective reporting, and the pushing of an agenda.

Fox in some instances does it (actual reporting) better than most, but they too have an agenda, and they are, despite the name (Fox News, which is a misnomer), primarily in the entertainment business (or so they believe, at least)

I mean, for heaven sakes - have ya ever watched some of the crap that they have on in the day time ?

Or the whackjob on at night ...... Greg .... what's his name .... Gutman ?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Sometimes you do just nail it ..... (leaving aside the "inside sources", "cover-ups", and "multiple shooters" of recent posts)

I think you will find in the coming months, that I was correct on this as well. I think, with just a little effort many others in here can obtain the SAME information that I did from sources that are equally credible. There were a LOT of people there. They ARE talking to friends and relatives. There WILL be more posted on this in the coming weeks and months, as I am able to confirm the information as I did this. My information came from multiple sources. All said the same thing. DO NOT BELIEVE news sources on this subject.

As to the rest, I did nail it!!!