found money


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Every so often I check the state treasurer's office online for unclaimed property. Usually it's just something that occupies a few minutes of time. This time I had a $100 refund coming that I knew nothing about. I've downloaded the paperwork and will get it sent in soon and when I get home next I should have a check waiting. If you don't periodically log onto your state's treasurer's website and check you may be missing out on free money. Anyone getting a nice sum back can thank me by buying the burgers sometime. :D


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I'm busy with other projects at the moment, Leo. How about if you save me the trouble and send me $100 instead? ;)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Don't think I can do that but you can buy me a hamburger on speculation. :p


Seasoned Expediter
I found a utility deposit on the state website that they had been holding since 1973 when I was on active duty stationed at Barksdale AFB. Sent in my paperwork and rec'd my refund, unfortunately no interest was added!!!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The no interest is a bummer but at least you got the deposit back. Hopefully a bunch of folks will find some money through this.


Seasoned Expediter
Yeah my driver just found money. He has a run going to NYC. It's only 163 miles and pays $900 dollars. It requires pallet jack and lift gate service. Not to bad because it's at a convention center and has it's own loading parking lot. It is on 43rd street in New York so it's in Manhatten.


Seasoned Expediter
I did this also. I filled out all the paperwork. Waited weeks. Filled out more papers to prove who I am. Then I got the letter telling me that I had $10 and change owed to me. All's I have to do is to fill out more papers to prove its me and they will send it to me. K


Expert Expediter
My older son just recently received a check in the amount of $1,200.00. Why couldn't I be that lucky??:(


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You can google for your state's treasurer's office. They should have any official records and you don't pay them any fees. There are numerous sources that "help" with unclaimed property just like there are all sorts of other outfits that help with all sorts of other things. Mainly what they help do is keep part of your money. Good luck.