FMCSA Says "Fung You" to Unsafe Bus Company


Veteran Expediter
First of all, look at who wrote the piece. It's straight from the feds themselves. We don't know what Fung Wah did. They didn't give any details, other than :

"We will not hesitate to immediately shut down a bus or truck company that ignores safety regulations and puts innocent lives at risk," said FMCSA Administrator Anne Ferro. "We will employ every tool we have to take unsafe commercial drivers, vehicles and entire companies off the road anywhere in the county at any time."

That all sounds fine and dandy, but it's political jibber-jabber. What does it mean? That the federal government can hire more back-patters, I guess. Someone to shine the large "S" on its chest? Polish its self-made trophies? Buy more mirrors for Obama?

What I'm getting is, "If you don't goose-step with us, we will make it so you don't walk at all."


Veteran Expediter
We don't know what Fung Wah did.

My fault; as thread starter I should've provided more details. See below:

Feds revoke license for Fung Wah bus service | Boston Herald

Surprise inspections by Massachusetts authorities found 21 coaches in unsafe running order, including eight with cracked frames. The FMCSA grounded these coaches and ordered a fleetwide inspection on Tuesday of this week. On Friday 3/1 Fung Wah, who had kept running by using buses chartered from other firms, stopped cooperating with the FMCSA, at which point the Feds revoked their authority.

Certainly there is vast room for improvement in how the safety regulators conduct their business, but this is different from a trucker getting caught and knocked OOS for a burned-out taillight, or slammed at suppertime for failing to log his lunch break. These discount bus companies are being operated by persons and companies with no regard for safety whatsoever. Do you wanna share the road with a bus with a cracked frame, being driven by some who "no speak" English and is routinely forced to go WAY over hours? These buses don't have EOBRs or even Qualcomms. At least some companies pay attention to what is happening out there....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
When I was on the road and would see one of those busses, I would always think, that bus is a piece of crap, how do they get away with running it? Well, I guess someone finally noticed and took them off the road. Good for the FMCSA.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
That all sounds fine and dandy, but it's political jibber-jabber. What does it mean?
It means, 'Be afraid. Be very afraid. You'll do what we say and you'll like it."

What I'm getting is, "If you don't goose-step with us, we will make it so you don't walk at all."

True enough, this is a bus company that should be put out of business, but the FMCSA's press release didn't give the context of the shutdown, so the only context of their statements is that of, "You'd better cooperate with us, and do what we say. Otherwise, we now have the authority to shut you down, too. And we will. So there.
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