Fire Proof Lockbox


Staff member
We have heard if a few accidents lately and started discussing keeping our important papers safe. We are going to purchase a fire proof lock box to put our passports in and a few other important papers we have in the truck. In case of an accident and all of possessions end up in the mud or god forbid a fire we will have a backup of the computer and our important papers. Another reason for this box is when having the truck searched and the guard would like to see what is in it you will get to open the box not them.


Veteran Expediter
We have a fire resistant lock box at home. It has the key on a chain fastened to the handle. I figured if anyone broke into our home they would see a lock box and figure "here's the gold"!!! Sorry, the only thing in the box are birth certificates, etc. Nothing of value to anyone but us. With a key attached they could quickly open it up and see only worthless papers, and not carry the box off with them.
:+ :+


Staff member
I agree the purpose is not to keep intruders out but to keep valuables safe. The thoughts of losing all of computer records due to our computer being thrown into the mud or any other thing that can happen to it is a very scary thought.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
What would you keep in a fire proof lock box?

Money for overweight fines,
Canadian money for Tim Hortons coffee and Dutchie Bits,
Backup credit card in case of muggings or wallet loss,
Computer backup data,
Pre-paid phone card,
Old used cell phone with which to call 911,
Photocopy of all credit cards, passport, bank cards, CDL
Emergency phone numbers for canceling/replacing credit cards, CDL, passports,

What am I forgetting?


Veteran Expediter
An extra set of keys: truck, personal vehicle, home, post office box, whatever.
Good points, Linder & Terry - I need to do that, too.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Remember these boxes are never "Fire PROOF" only "Fire RESISTANT".
There are ratings you should look at. A box that will give about 1 hour of protection is usally about $200.00.


Seasoned Expediter
Sorry, prof, but unless you and all your family members are all felons with bad, bad, credit, those birth certs and ss cards and any other personal info are worth their weight in platinum to almost any thief nowadays. Even the really stupid ones.
I think I just saw a stat that says 1 in 4 people in the US will be a victim of identity theft.
I'm lucky to not have had that happen yet, but on my b-day last year, someone used my debit card to buy flowers in London, England, and they weren't for me.:'(


Veteran Expediter
Just another example of STUFF. Make photo copies of everything keep it at home and make a phone call should that EMERGENCY HAPPEN. Your becomming to much of a pack rat... ( Every Credit Card, every insurance paper, important documents, drivers lisc, etc... now put them in a file labeled ????) Your worrying to much by the way. Accident with mud?

Big Box Sleeper?????