Finding my way


Expert Expediter
Hello all.
I was wondering if there is something on the market that could
help find a specific location, ie. pick-up point and drop-off
sites. I would like to know how to get to an address in a city
before I get there. Maybe something using the GPS system. I am an
Owner-Operator with on authority and not leased to any of the
expediting companies.
All comments appreciated-Thanks


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
If you have a laptop, check out delorme software. I used it when I was on the road and found it to be about 95% accurate. I also hooked up the gps to see my progress while driving down the road.


Expert Expediter
I use the DeLorme program every time I move my van. When I go anywhere to pick up or deliver a load or even if I am bonused / deadhead. I use it on my laptop along with it's receiver which lets me know where I am sitting or driving. You can set it up with sound too if you want and it will "talk" to you prior to needing to make turns. I don't even use my big map book anymore. I think you would find it to help, give it a try. DeLorme has a 30 day money back policy that could help if for some reason you don't like it.
Good luch!!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Microsoft Streets 2002. Put it hard drive resident on your laptop, and you have the fastest most accurate mapper to date. It's a butt-kicker.

Fr8 Shaker

Veteran Expediter
Hiya Hacpro, Just wanted to throw my 2 cents worth in here.
i'm sure the software programs for computers probably work fine. and i've also used the mileage and routing program provided by this site which i've found to be not only easy to access but accurate. BUT....
the most inexpensive way to go is the C B radio. anywhere you will go some other trucker has probably been there. actually all you need to do is get close to the city in whatever state your going to be delivering to, and get on the CB and ask for some local information. some driver will come back and tell you exactly how to get there usually the best and shortest route. i've even had them tell me the guards name at the gate is Bill tell him Joe said hi. lol. I don't know if you run with a radio, but if not, i would strongly suggest you get one. mine has saved me so much time and money i couldn't add it up. especially when your driving down the freeway way and theres been an accident and the whole freeway way is shut down, you'll know about it miles b4 you get there, and can get off and some driver from the area can tell you how to get around it. and not to mention where all the bears are sitting at. I Don't Leave Home Without It !!!
hope this has helped you out a little bit.

Best of Luck,
Fr8 Shaker

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
The CB is well and good if the guy is honest and knows what he is talking about. Everytime i have asked for directions on a CB all I have gotten was a fight started or some sob who sends you the wrong way on purpose. If I don't use the phone or the computer I stop at a local stop and rob and asked the attendant. Usually they can either direct you or sometimes another customer in line will also help. Way more reliable than the hoohoppers on the "Childrens Band".

Its too bad really, it used to be a good tool :-(


Expert Expediter
Wild Bill, you are so right about the CB- I have found about 50 % of the time you may get steered in the wrong direction. However I have
had many a time when some one on the CB sent me in the right direction
After reading all the post. I decided to go with a laptop and the
Delorme mapping program. Has worked very well for me so far.
Thanks to everyone who posted a response to my question.

By the way-if you see a white cargo van at some truckstop
with EXPEDITED EXPRESS- holler at me and have a cup of coffee on me


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Along with what you are using, MS Streets 2002, which is better in my opinion, I got for $20.00 with a $20.00 mail in rebate. Cost was .34 cent stamp.
For mileage tracking, buddy up with a dispatcher at your company. They will find you the PC miler program disk, and you can install that on your laptop so that your routing will match what they are paying you for. It's slick. If you run a unit requiring logging, Fritz Bjorkund's DDL program is now completely legal, I have been using it for over two years now. Want some major respect from DOT inspectors? - They LOVE it! It's fun to breeze through level 1's without having to worry about inaccurate logs, the driver's #1 violation. (Special thanks to Wendy and Kevin Caldbeck for introducing me to this!)
I utilize the finest in computer software in my operation. I was introduced to computers by my father, who has been using them since the days they contained vacuum tubes. I never brag, but during a recent DOT level 1 the inspector said to me "You are the trucker of the future." I'm just another fellow from Silver Creek, NY, to be honest.

Fr8 Shaker

Veteran Expediter
Hi Bill, Sorry to hear you've had so much trouble with the CB. Granted there are alot of Idiots,Morans,CB Rambos,40-50 yr. old children, and not to mention the occasional karakoe Wannabe. but i've been driving commercially for 27+ yrs. and maybe i've just learned to weed out the above mentioned.i have never, that i recall been sent in the wrong direction at least not on purpose. but i also verify these directions by getting down the road a little farther and asking again, getting the same directions from another driver. if there is a difference in their opinion i'll ask a 3rd. time. i have gotten directions from dispatch where they would look it up for me either on pc miler or another program. or from directions another one of our drivers gave them. more times then not their wrong. i guess it didn't say in those directions your other left. lmao. but like i said earlier in my other post the amount of time and money that radio has saved me. I'll still( NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT. )

added note: as far as stopping and asking someone in a store or gas station. yes that can be helpful sometimes. other times you wonder how these people find their way home. but if available one of the best places to ask is a pizza place that delivers. seriously! one time i had to find a private residence,happened to be on a new street.the police and fire dept. did not know where it was at but the pizza guy did.

Best of Luck All,
Fr8 Shaker