Fiat / Chrysler


Veteran Expediter
The head of the CAW doesn't believe that Chrysler will go under. He also said no more wage concessions etc. So we know if Fiat pulls out there'll be no Chrysler plants in Canada.


Moderator Emeritus
fiat already owns case corp in racine wi. they are the farm implement and const. machinery mfg'er. for my time at case as a temp, fiat had yearly axings the friday before christmas and squeezes the personnel to the breaking point in the corp office. don't know about the plants. i was told that fiat employees do not think the americans work hard enough so they reduce the workforce to get their results.

i don't know how many fiat 500 or unos they could sell here to make the deal pay.


Veteran Expediter
i was told that fiat employees do not think the americans work hard enough so they reduce the workforce to get their results.

That's funny, seeing that the Italian work culture is as follows;

0800 - breakfast

0830 to 0900 commute to work

0900 to 0945 BS with coworkers about politics and porn stars

0945 go to the toilet

1000 start work

1100 to 1130 take 30 minute break

1130 to 1300 work

1300 to 1500 lunch

1500 to 1630work

1630 to 1700 nap time

1700 to 1730 bs with coworkers and then punch out

1730 to 1830 commute back home

1930 dinner.

Hard life there....

When I worked with the French, they always complained that we scheduled meetings too often and asked why we work so hard. The meetings were sometimes scheduled every two weeks and it sometime conflicted with their massive 8 week vacation schedules. Surprising they actually were able to fight a war with all those vacations going on.