Fed chairman denounces Obama fiscal policy


Veteran Expediter
It will probably be like the other times in this admin people have spoke their mind. We will hear "what he was trying to say was....".


Veteran Expediter
Whoa there nelly....

....didn't Bernanke be the idiot who was pushing for Tarp and other spending recovery programs in the first place. He was the one who set the interest rate from 1% to 0+.5% while borrowing more money that was just printed to take on more debt and now he is saying this?


Seasoned Expediter
Fed chairman is just another wall street guy if its good for his people O. K. If he gets a call from Cheney then it's not so good. So he turns tail and runs before he gets shot by him!!!!!


Veteran Expediter
Me thinks Obama isn't worries about recovery. That's obvious, because very little has gone towards any recovery. Me thinks his agenda is to ruin the American dollar, so he can expedite a world currency.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
He had better never get in a car with Kennedy!! What has Cheney got to do with anything? Geez. This plan we are working under now is designed to finish off our economy. Our slime ball polititions have been after this for years. This mess goes back to the 1930's or earlier. Better wake up, they are in this for only ONE reason, to control your life. :(


Retired Expediter
The politicians have always controlled the people....as have the rich....The capital gurus control the little people....

show me when it wasn't that way?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There was ONE day back in 1777. The problem is now it is becoming dangerous. VERY dangerous.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yep, about that time. This admistration does not even try to fake it like the last several did. They are openly out to destroy the Bill of Rights. :mad:


Retired Expediter
You got the control part right Joe....the day you needed permission to have a dog....it was down hill....when they started controlling licences...seatbelts.....heck you need permission to build unto your own home!!..building permit..To start a retail business you need a vendors license...taking care of us....the government part of the constitution while sounds great has never been followed to the letter....


Veteran Expediter
The politicians have always controlled the people....as have the rich....The capital gurus control the little people....

show me when it wasn't that way?

Since the beginning of time, man has either gone to the rich man for a job, or the government for a handout.

One difference between the corporate power brokers and a politician... at least the corporates provide a valuable service.