FDXCC Solo D Good and Bad


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Talked with FDXCC, and have picked out a (used) truck, trying to get the financing set up. Plan on staying out 3 weeks at a time, and would like to stay east coast mainly. Please...O/O perspective on FDXCC solo D unit-- the good, the bad, the ugly.

God Bless


Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
Staying mainly on the east coast,I think it is do-able.You won't get rich (but who out here is)but I believe that you will be able to stay busy and be able to pay your bills.

A few words of advice,try to avoid those Ryder/LG loads that come out of Atlanta and Cranbury,NJ on fridays.These are usually short runs and will not be able to deliver until mon.a.m.DD.


Expert Expediter
but if you live near Atlanta or NJ they are perfect loads. you get to spend the weekend at home and know you've already got a start on the week.

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