Expedite Trucking Company Call List


Veteran Expediter
There's always the Bulgerians and Russians they take anything on wheels !

I dont know about all that, but they must be getting it done then..No shipper in their right mind would keep using them if service failures where a on going thing. I dont know whats going on with van freight other then its in the toilet.
If these guys are to blame then I imagine our carriers are to blame then also becuase as far as I know they are all using them when avaible. I see unmarked van folks with trip tickets from alot of carriers out here. 2-3-4 trip tickets sitting on their dash boards..What their story is I dont know,,I dont pry to much ,most say they run for anyone that will load them.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Guess I didn't see FOSTER on there either. Not sure where that list came from..........but, A_Z is a bit of an overstatement.