Test test test
Ok, good to go. Looks like it was a firewall setting on our end. Sorry.
I don't know if it's all posts in all forums, but after a certain time frame you can't edit your own posts. A Moderator or Administrator can edit them, though. If you have any specific edits you need to do (and that can be copied and pasted easily ), PM them to me (or I'm sure any other Mod would be happy to do it) and I'll make the necessary edits.I need to edit some stuff in the Hino thread in the Truck Talk forum, but only the newest posts have an edit button. Is it possible to go back and edit those earlier posts? Some information posted several months ago is now obsolete.
I don't know if it's all posts in all forums, but after a certain time frame you can't edit your own posts. A Moderator or Administrator can edit them, though. If you have any specific edits you need to do (and that can be copied and pasted easily ), PM them to me (or I'm sure any other Mod would be happy to do it) and I'll make the necessary edits.
With heavy emphasis on (and that can be copied and pasted easily )You're gonna wish you hadn't volunteered, lol.
I'll get back to you soon.
That's why they need to be PM'd complete, ready to be copied and replaced. Even if it's just one sentence or a single word that gets changed in a post, I'll need to be able paste and replace the entire post in one whack. Because I'm still doing this one-handed, and left-handed at that, I don't have the patience nor the desire to go back and do a bunch of surgical edits on old posts.Have you read his posts? He has no fear of lengthy edits.
Have you read his posts? He has no fear of lengthy edits.
It's not greasy, but I got that t-shirt. 4 or 5 times I've had to break it into 4 parts. More times than I will admit it's been broken into 3 parts. Breaking it into 2 parts happens so much it's almost routine. LOLI'm covering a complex topic, and I'm trying to make it so everyone understands, and I suck at doing that, lol.
I sent someone a PM the other day that had to be broken into two parts. The 5000 character limit almost got reached twice.