economy picking up


Seasoned Expediter
Got woke up at midnight for load that p-ups up tonight in TN, that goes to Ford Motor in Dearborn with a sunday afternoon drop, thinking maybe we'll get detention time :D , maybe get it unloaded at 10:30pm, when 3rd shift comes in. Plus gotta another load back south after that, monday morning going south. Not a bad week 6runs, about 2500miles. And good start for upcoming week. Plus i'm going home between runs and staying in service for birthday. Life is good. Hope your doing OK


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
My brother works at the Ford plant in Woodhaven, Mustang plant. They have been working overtime. They did layoff some last Dec. I don't know if they have been called back yet. Things will come back on thier own, they ALWAYS do. Only the government can slow up that recovery. With punishing taxes, high public spending, inflation and regulation. They would not do that, would they? Layoutshooter


Expert Expediter
Can't keep the giant asleep for too long. The giant being the american economy. We Americans like our THINGS. And we like them new and shinney.

I am seriously considering starting to put money into the stock market again. It is screaming buy buy buy. But that is my opinion and I have always been a "glass is half full" kinda guy.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yea, you may be right FlatTop, I just worry about the increased taxes on investment. Maybe invest in the drug trade or illegal guns? Anything to keep the money out of the hands of Obama and Company. Layoutshooter


Expert Expediter
Yea, you may be right FlatTop, I just worry about the increased taxes on investment. Maybe invest in the drug trade or illegal guns? Anything to keep the money out of the hands of Obama and Company. Layoutshooter

Hit every casino I can find that has a poker room :eek:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is my favorite card game. So few play it outside of Michigan. It is a very fast game with lots of table banging. Layoutshooter


Seasoned Expediter
Pogo has Euker for casual play. Its a good way to pass the loads of time we all have these days :)