If I knew how I could write a book on the what to and what not to do in the trucking business.While I never had more thyan 3 trucks,sometimes that was two trucks to many.The bigest mistake you can make is a person that has a company driver mentality,and usually if you find someone really good,they are going to be around to long as they will be buying their own truck.But I can say this,the worst drivers that I have ever had,they still made me a profit.
My first team,H/W came from Schneider.I paid them 30%,this was back in 1988.Their first week,they dead headed home from Dallas Texas.That was the start of the new pay plan,50 50.Fuel cost was about 10% of the loads,so with them buying the fuel it actually gave them a raise in pay,and no more dead heading on my money.As the years went by,fuel prices went higher and my last team made 65%,plus fsc.Even at that rate I still did ok.
There have been other years with the economy in the tubes,you learn to tighten your belt and you will survive.
What you do have to do is watch where you go.You dont want to dead head a long distance to pick up a load,and after delivery your going to have another long dead head .Last year I had weeks that I ran over 40% dead head,but believe me,bottom line was still a profit,of course the loads I took were well worth it.
Ive had trucks on with regular freight carriers,you know the .85cpm companies.and at a couple different expedite carriers.We are in a crunch right now,but we will all get thru it.