I think the government should leave the speed limit alone and we can do what is best for our business. The government is all ready to much in our business for my comfort.
But see this issue really isn't about 'us', it is about fuel and our dependence on foreign oil that everyone is complaining about.
I am not talking about just oil but I read all this stuff about what people want and no one is talking about what we need. 'We' care about the 694,000 houses in foreclosure but we don't care about the falling dollar or the real reasons that we have high fuel costs. We care about the next space launch but we don't care to use our centralized government scientific research center (aka NASA) to find solutions for our needs (look at the money they are dumping into just one launch scrub and think about how much that money can be used for research). We as a country don't understand what our taxes do to our economy but we don't want to change it and try something new.
It comes down to resources and how we handle them now, not in 2020 when the new cafe standards are supposed to go into effect.
We have all these great things we can do to help out, one is stop building houses that no one is buying and use the land to grow crops that will produce oil. If there is ever an industry out of control and we are subsidizing them, it is that industry.
You know that we can get about 120 gallons of bio-diesel out of one acre of land? If you think this is not a lot, I figured that 4 acres of crops can take care of my wifes yearly fuel needs at her present rate of consumption.
How many acres do you think sit idle in this country, or state or even in my city?
This fuel can be processed without the expensive processing that many scream about. It is a simple process and cost effective, with the same by products of bio-diesel without the heat used.
You know how many acres are being taken up by strip malls and housing development while we already have glut of both? I past two yesterday that have been build and no one has occupied them in 3 years - it was a nice field before, perfect 5 acre lot.
How many acres are owned by the Fed's (states) that can be use, like the 20 acres or so up the road from me that sits there in between the on and off ramps of 696 and has to be mowed every month. The city of Detroit is perfect for this, they have thousand of acres doing nothing in former industrialized areas of the city and the areas that have little housing. The train station property is one, with 40 acres sitting in front of the station and another 100 or so around the place, it makes sense to use that to grow the crops.
If it takes slowing people down in their poorly performing cars, well maybe a 55 mph speed limit may have to return because it really is not about 'us', it is about them when you come down to it.