DOT/Co. Phys


Expert Expediter
Hey all !

Took my DOT Phys @ my Drs office today so I can get my Class B - and man did it seem like it took forever ! (lol). I passed w/ almost flying colors, I have a slight hearing problem, it's not bad, but it aint the greatest either. I do have a hearing aid , but don't wear it much because my hearing problem isn't that bad. The Doc says I passed w/o it. Which brings me to two ?'s I was pondering while in the good Dr's office.

1) Since my hearing isn't THAT bad, is that going to pose a problem ?
2) How long do the Phys take @ orientation ?. I got to thinking, man if one takes this long @ a Drs' office ( a bit over 2 hrs total of waiting room, exam room, paper work, etc), it'll take quite awhile to go through everyone @ orientation. Are they as thorough @ Cos. as they are @ the Drs office?

Thanx for letting me muse


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Over the years we have had phys at various locations.Like you spent half a day in doctors office. Emergency med centers are a little faster,but my favorite is a truck stop with a qualified phy on the premises.I usually go to the Flying J at Lake Station In (I80X15B)

You are in and out fast,and a little hearing loss like you and me was no big deal.

Getting a phys at orentation is a new one on me.But I started many years ago. I guess your co. either wants to make it more convient,or they want more control.


Expert Expediter
Panther does in-house physicals. Not sure why. I showed up with a card good for 18 months but they said I had to take theirs. No problem. They checked my blood pressure and claimed it is high. Gave me a 90 day card. Now Panther insists I have to have my pressure checked 3 times in the next three months. Then I get a 1 year card. And I am stuck with 1 year cards for the rest of my life (well.. at least while at panther). SEVERAL people tested for high blood presure. Makes me wonder if the company they farm the physicals out to is not very good at what they do. I have since had my pressure checked and I am right where a 31 year old guy should be. Who knows, maybe I was as high as they claim. But I dobut it.


Expert Expediter
From what I have been told most companies aren't as thourough as the Doctors office. Just too many people @ one time for the short time they have.


Expert Expediter
Hey all,

Had my first physical in eight years. I'm getting back out there. Took 45 min and found my B P is a little high. Card good for 1 year only. Will get tested privatly.

And to get a job that good, I'm sure the Doc at Flying J is out of big East Coast med school and top of class. Jeepers.
