Do you like Penny Auctions?


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
What have you ended up with?? Any good stuff??

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Veteran Expediter
I just have a hard time believing that people are ending up getting brand new cars for less than $2,000.00.

It seems like a scam at first until you look into the operation. The auction company will charge for each bid so something that sells for $2000 had 200,000 bids multipled by whatever they charge for each bid. It can allow the bidder to get a great deal as long as they weren't bidding to much and allowed others to run the bid up.

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Staff member
Retired Expediter
It's not a scam, but it's still kind of icky. The items up for bid are owned by the owners of the site. Start multiplying the cost of each bid by the number of bids, and the site owners make out like bandits, because once you've bid, you don't get that money back even if you lose the auction. Unless you win a lot of auctions, all the money lost in previous auctions can add up, so that high dollar iPad you sniped for $75 may have actually cost you more than the MSRP for it. It's like gambling, they'll let you win juuuust enough to keep you hooked and coming back.


Seasoned Expediter
I figure use their free bids until they are gone and I really don't care how much they make, just if I get a good buy.

So far, $75 Walmart card for $40.
and the bids were free!