I had a Doberman Manchester Terrier, about 38#, that I named Rambo. The best dog ever. Literally. Never got into anything, such a warm loving personality, but had a mean streak when provoked. Everyone loved that dog. Customers remembered him. He was in the truck with me since a puppy, in which a Panther husband/wife team gave him to me at the J in Kansas city. Their older dog didn't get along with the puppy. 16 years later, I had to put him down. The toughest thing I ever had to do. Never cried as hard as that day. Still cant watch those dog commercials on t.v. Still tough 5 years later. I wont get another dog because I dont want to go through that again. And through this I rediscovered a new freedom I forgot about. I think a dog is an excellent thing to have in the van/truck. So many advantages. They always know what youre thinking. They get a driver out of the vehicle. Great protection.
But I also think more than 1 is not a good thing. Such a distraction to a driver. And I see those who abuse the privilege of having a pet in a van/truck by having a miniature herd in their vehicle. I've even seen a husband wife van team with 3 dogs in their van. Really? Imagine a 3 skid load with 3 dogs. Yea, right....lol.