Divorce is bad for the earth.


Veteran Expediter
Divorce Squanders Earth's Resources,


Now that there is a link between divorce and destroying the planet, people will take notice and help the earth. Scr*w the idea that divorce damages the children who are sometimes caught in the middle - the earth matters more.


Veteran Expediter
I think their ultimate goal is for everyone to be gay. That way, no one reproduces, and humanity dies out in a hundred years. Wallah! The Earth is SAVED! LMAO

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford


Veteran Expediter
Well there is a movement in the UK that is sterilizing the followers so that can't have kids because having kids is selfish. And where did you hear this before? A lot of group members travel about the world on vacation so I am trying to figure out how traveling around the world helps the earth but having kids don't?

Also there has been an article floating about, about one who has been sterilized among having an abortion for the environment and she also has been traveling around preaching how we have to save the earth. I can't figure out why she isn't in a mental institution.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Polygamy? Are you serious? I've been married, and I can't, for the life of me, figure out why someone would, ON PURPOSE, have more than one wife.


Veteran Expediter
I feel one of the main problems in our country is the breakdown of the family, and if you are pro family you get attacked for it. There is no reason to stick it out anymore. It seems as though more people are getting divorced than staying together. Me and my wife know a girl who sometimes comes to our church. She has been married twice and has a son with each one of her exs and she is only 20. You have people who are shacked up together while one is going through divorce and making plans to wed. They ask the preacher to marry them and he declines. He doesn't want to take part in the woman's 4th marriage and the man's 2nd.Then the preacher is a bad guy because he is standing on the side of morales and principals. You know my parents divorced when I was young so I know how it feels to grow up in a broken home. I grew up before all the political correctness when people would talk trash to you to your face. I had a sunday school teacher tell me when I was a kid that I wouldn't amount to anything because I come from a broken home. People are to worried about what they want and what feels good for the moment. To many people get married and afterward when things get rough they find out they were in lust not in love. The family has become a joke in this country bottom line. I think people have no shame because we live in this feel good society that says do you want and even if its wrong I won't say anything. Its like me in school. All these kids are up there talking about drinking and driving and this and that like its cool. Next thing you know they are getting a lecture from me. And guess what? I haven't been cussed onced. You know why? They respect me. I had one girl from the church riding to school with me and my wife. She said she was gonna drop out and marry this guy and all this. I jumped her case and rode her hard. Her mom comes over to my house and says we need to talk. We sit down and she says thank you. You are harder on my child than I am but you will never know how much she respects you. I'm not bragging on me I'm just saying some people are not morally sound and need to be shown the error in their ways before they ruin their lives. Any kid in this little one horse town knows if they get taken to jail they can call me. I'll be up there.Of course most of them are being raised by drunks and druggies. I ain't got no shame my town is one big trailer park if you want to think about that wya. The thing this generation coming up needs is discipline and morales. Then your divorce rate will go down. Sorry this has been long and mostly off point. Stuff just gets bottled up sometimes.


Veteran Expediter
Nah... other than your post being one HUGE paragraph, it was right on point! VERY well said! :)

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford


Veteran Expediter
After a semester of Freshman Composition you'd think I know better than to make one huge paragraph, but I'm on break. Maybe when school starts back I'll split it up into 2.