Dispatcher Ignorance


Veteran Expediter
This post is actually prompted by a post made by DieselDiva in a forum in which I am unable to post. Therefore, now we have another one.
I had the opportunity to work for a time at a trucking company which carried different things, most of which was not expedite, although some was. Most of the drivers at this company were 'company drivers', although they had previously had some 'brokers', as they called them. (Brokers meaning they were owner/operators, as opposed to driving the company trucks).

I was sitting with an 'experienced' dispatcher and we got discussing the rates. The 'company drivers' were paid different ways, mostly by the mile. I believe the rate at the time was $0.42/CAD/mile. Then I asked about the 'brokers', suggesting they probably didn't end up with much. The dispatcher looked me in the eye and said they 'made' LOTS of money.

It was very clear to me at that point that people who haven't owned a truck, have NO clue as to the expenses involved in operating one. Sure it LOOKS like LOTSSSSSS of money, but now start doing your deductions for operating expenses, and see how 'lots' it is!

People have talked in here about the need for dispatchers to go on the road to experience the realities of the wonderful load opportunities. I'm all for that! But add to that, a course in accounting for business owners, specifically in trucking would be great, and a course in customer service.


Expert Expediter
Were getting so rich, somebody at my company suggested as a way to improve my bottom line to stop buying a cup of coffee at TA every morning, like the 30 bucks I might save in coffee expense is gonna make the difference in my 2k per month truck payment, or 400 buck diesel fuel fill up.

Sometimes you just have to roll your eyes!!!

I did meet them halfway though, now I only buy coffee after I accept a load.


Veteran Expediter
Were getting so rich, somebody at my company suggested as a way to improve my bottom line to stop buying a cup of coffee at TA every morning, like the 30 bucks I might save in coffee expense is gonna make the difference in my 2k per month truck payment, or 400 buck diesel fuel fill up.

Sometimes you just have to roll your eyes!!!

I did meet them halfway though, now I only buy coffee after I accept a load.

Are you serious????


Veteran Expediter
I once had a young nubile dispatcher ask me if I could make it to the switch point at Lasalle-Peru by a certain time. I told her I would only be at the Quad Cities by then.

"What's the quad cities?" was her reply. I think she might have been 17.

Heard another dispatcher story. A driver had parked at a truckstop for the night before delivering his load in the morning. In the ayem, with time to spare, he departed for the consignee. A few minutes later, his qualcomm beeped. "Are you on your way with the freight to the consignee?"

Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer, right?

"No, I left the freight at the truckstop. I thought I'd find the consignee first, then go back for the freight."
