Detroit and the nation


Veteran Expediter
People think I am off the wall with this, but if anyone is following the news from this pit, you can look forward to this style of politics at the federal level.

The latest is that Kwamie has decided to step down, he will see gray bars and lose his mayoral pension and a 6 digit fine.

I'm hoping that the IRS will now step in, yank his 501c3 reconginition and make him pay all the back taxes from that scam. You do know that he has been using the charity to pay some of his legal bills and it is a felony to do so....

The real question is how can he afford two very expensive homes, all those Escalades, and still pay a 6 digit fine on a $150k salery.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
He is a prime example of a leader in the New Social Order, just stupid enough to get caught. He is the same as Obama or Jennifer or any of the new "Massas" who want to control our every move. They feel that they are smarter than we are, know what we need better than we do and are above the very controls they wish to impose on us. Take heed America, what you see in Detroit is what you will get if you vote for the Marxist Boy God.


Veteran Expediter
Well he has to pay a million in fines - which I thought that his job would have not allowed him to be a milliaire, amazing... Oh and 4 months in the gray bar hotel, which is not enough.

Also just as I am thinking about it.... I was talking to someone who is connected here... he mentioned that Jenny came down on Kwamie because of the deal made with the DNC to get the delegates counted or something like that... it isn't important anyway but the sacrifice was Kwamie to move her career ahead. AND everyone thinks that he chairing the alternate energy feel good get together was a joke, here we are fighting increases of Cafe standards, we have more open spaces with more burned out buildings and focus on making movies but she is touting our alternate energy progress? Do we actually get tax credits here for solar panels?

AND you do know that Jenny and Obama went to the same school - Harvard?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
These "NEW BREED" Demecrates are dispicable. Kwamie will be "paid off" under the table to "thank him" for his sacrifice for the "Cause". Jennifer (The Wicked Witch of the North) is a joke. A party shill, there to do the bidding of those above her. A "Political :censoredsign:". She and many other's prostitute themselfs for power and control. They will perform "Any Act" needed to further the cause. A bought and paid for woman just as Osama Obama is. Layoutshooter

highway star

Veteran Expediter
There's a saying that comes to mind here I'd like to use about who you shouldn't send to do a man's job, but if I did the "Bloviator of the West" might accuse me of being racist, so I won't. The point being that this came from the meeting of power, arrogance and immaturity.


Veteran Expediter
I thought only rednecks such as myself couldn't say boy. TallCal is to d@mn touchy feely for his own good. We had a term for people like that when I was in the Marine Corps. We called them Manginas.