Dems are just sad...


Veteran Expediter
I really can't put it any other way but the latest flap is about comments made by Geraldine Ferraro (remember her?) about Obama.

She said;
"If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

It seems that everyone who wants to point out these facts are called racist and the Dems are the ones who show the most intolerant behavior about any criticism of Obama.

Concept? I think mass hysteria is more like it.

So I am reading five different articles and this pops up in my reader -

From the AP, WASHINGTON - Democratic Sen. Barack ObamaGeraldine Ferraro's assertion that he wouldn't be where he is in the presidential race if he weren't black. assailed as "slice and dice" politics


The back-and-forth between the two Democratic trailblazers — Obama, seeking to be the nation's first black president, and Ferraro, who was the first woman on a major party presidential ticket in 1984 — continued for a second day as they made appearances on network and cable morning news programs.

So I re-read it and it was clear to me that if race had no bearing on the success of Obama so far, why is race even brought up - nation's first black president?

I still contend that we are not ready for a Black president, but a president who will lead the country but I also think that she is absolutely right in what she said and I hope she continues to defend it.

But what is really interesting about this is Obama's media strategist, David Axelrod, who has been spinning this up as a racist comment and it looks like he has been doing this all along with others who criticize Obama.

She continues to defend herself by saying;

"David Axelrod, his campaign manager, has chose to spin this as a racist comment because everytime anybody makes a comment about race who is white — he did it with Bill Clinton, he was successful; he did it with (Pennsylvania governor and Clinton supporter)Ed Rendell, he was less successful; and he is certainly not going to be successful with me," Ferraro told CBS' "The Early Show." "He should have called me up ... He knows I'm not racist."

Are we seeing the politics of hate coming to the mainstream press? I think so.
You know it is pretty sad when a lot of people are thinking that they are getting a good guy that would solve their problems but I see another Rain Maker here.


Veteran Expediter
Like Andrew Wilkow said today... Welcome to the Republican party, Geraldine Ferraro!

The Dems and the media have been playing that game for MANY years: twisting Republicans' words to come across as the worst possible meaning. Now that there's a new darling in town, they're willing to throw their own under the bus.

Hillary is doing NOTHING differently from what's been done in EVERY election in recent history. Yet, she's being unfair to Obama.

If anyone questions the new Messiah about William Ayers (google it if you don't know), his extreme pastor, Farrakkkhan, or Rezko, they're being unfair to Obama.

Ask about particulars to his agenda, his lack of experience, or his wife's crude statements about our country, and you're being unfair to Obama.

Bring up his middle name, and you're a RACIST!

Has the media and a lot of Obama's screaming mobs decided to take affirmative action to the presidential level now? Supporting a less qualified person because of his skin color? Whatever the case, one thing is very clear: whoever faces Obama, primaries or general election, will be wearing boxing gloves against Obama's brass knuckles.

Stacked deck? So far, we've had 43 white guys as president. You tell me. Obama is the Great Black Hope; and America loves "firsts", apparently regardless of his intentions or qualifcations.


Retired Expediter
I started that thread last month "Is America ready for a Black President" It looks like that question is getting answered... As crunch time is fast approaching the back room politics and white power brokers are doing their thing... People did that politically correct thing and supported a black candidate BUT now it's like "OMG he might win!!"
My prediction: They will be tied going into the DNC and Hillary will win by 1-3 candidates.


Seasoned Expediter
If the 1-3 thing does happen Ontario, I think the Independent party may have its first real chance to gain a foot hold and with the right candidate could gain some respect . The dems will implode should this happen. It seems as though this party is showing signs of it already.


Veteran Expediter
The dems will implode should this happen. It seems as though this party is showing signs of it already.

They already are imploding, many may think that this is a slam dunk for Obama but I really feel we will see a 1912 scenario take place if Hillary gets tough about winning. The party wants him to win but Howard Dean and others can't come out and say that without p*ssing off a lot of people.

But what is really sad is that we have to come to this, we have to fear saying anything, what a great way to get to an Orwellian world - McCarthyism all over again.

Also something that floors me, I have been attacked saying I am a Rush robot but you know people who are Obama fans, even that girl who did the stripper music video, she needs help. Every one of them who I talked to, or conversed with can not come up with a coherent statement or reasonable position on what he actually stands for.


Seasoned Expediter
I for one got caught up in the "change thing". We all know that politics as usual needs a change. I have not however heard a plan for change from either. I do not think change will be possible unless you flush DC and start all over. Very few if any up there are in it for the people. Greed and power seems to be flavor of the day for most of these guys and gals. I am just disgusted. I do not see in McCain the qualities that I would vote for. I do not see anyone on the radar right now that will get me to the polls to vote. I will not go and close my eyes and press the button. Or for that case hold my nose. I am totally confused at this time. Maybe someone will emerge with something that I can hang a hat on. Who knows?


Veteran Expediter
I am just disgusted. I do not see in McCain the qualities that I would vote for. I do not see anyone on the radar right now that will get me to the polls to vote.

I too am utterly disgusted with the whole thing, why do you think I'm trying to get people to think instead of listening to someone saying "I understand what you are going through, I will help" just to get a vote.

The primary should not be in front of the American voter, the parties have to forced to go back to seeking out and nominating a candidate without the spin and bs. You know when you really think about it, the primaries are so stupid, having an election to have an election. From all of this we ended up in this country at the point that we have a real limited choice for president, in this election, no choices are there.

I bet you that if we used the same system that we have today back in 1960, JFK would not be elected - Hubert Humphrey would have been nominated.


Veteran Expediter
I know some here don't agree with McC on the war. I personally don't like the guy. I stated I wouldn't vote for him. Then I heard something that raised my eyebrows...

He has not taken a dollar in earmarks.

It's a start...


Retired Expediter
Owner/Operator bring up a good point...Whats so wrong with McCain? So he tells the truth? He tells the American public we are going to war when HE thinks it's necessary? He sure is old school..Maybe tougher then nails is what this country needs? Just maybe he'll get tough about Asian trade?


Veteran Expediter bring up a good point...Whats so wrong with McCain?
Well .... this is a rather distasteful subject .... but you asked ....

With all due respect to the Senator and his military service - for which this country owes him a huge debt, this man was in the hands of an avowed enemy of the United States whom we were at war with (although not formally declared) - an enemy that practiced both torture and brainwashing.

During that five years that he was in enemy hands, two years were spent in solitary confinement and later he underwent severe torture.

Who truly knows what happened to McCain ? ..... even he may not.

..... the "Manchurian Candidate" comes to mind .....

Better safe than sorry.


Seasoned Expediter
:confused:Sorry guys:
I think McCain is an extension of the last 8 years. I know that all the countries problems cannot be blamed on this administration but you know how it is. When your party is in the White House and bad stuff comes down. Well after all you were the boss. He did not agree with the Bush tax cuts for the rich and now he does. I don't know. We were all eager to call flip flop on Kerry but it does not seem to be the pass word for McCain. I for one believe he has never seen a war he did not like. I do believe we will be in war with Iran within 2 years if he is elected. Lets not forget his new hit song he sang in Iraq. Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran. To the tune of the Beach boys song Barbara Ann. This guy scares the mortal shi* out of me. I will not, repeat, Will Not vote for this guy. I would have to do more than hold my nose. Just my opinion but it does raise an eyebrow.


Veteran Expediter
That seems extreme...
Like I said you asked. It is a distasteful subject .....

Extreme .... yup .... probably so. It's also pragmatic.

You think that this type of thing (torture and brainwashing) doesn't happen ?

I just was watching the History Channel I think it was, the other day. They had a real interesting program on the CIA's mind-control experiments and Frank Olson (Google that one - or "MK-ULTRA')

A little closer to home: had a friend that was in one of the branches of the service ..... in intel. He "woke up" one day to find himself sitting by the side of the road in his truck .... in a complete confusion and able to account for himself for the previous week. Observing his demeanor and general condition he still exhibits signs of having been very heavily drugged - years later.

Don't discount the evil that some men are capable of .... just because it isn't pleasant to consider ....
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Veteran Expediter
I for one believe he has never seen a war he did not like ...... This guy scares the mortal shi* out of me.
I'd say that you have made some astute observations.

A friend of mine, who is politically active in DC, and I were talking about McCain .... he made similar comments as well .... that was around 8 years ago.


Veteran Expediter
:confused:Sorry guys:
I think McCain is an extension of the last 8 years. I know that all the countries problems cannot be blamed on this administration but you know how it is. When your party is in the White House and bad stuff comes down. Well after all you were the boss. He did not agree with the Bush tax cuts for the rich and now he does. I don't know. We were all eager to call flip flop on Kerry but it does not seem to be the pass word for McCain. I for one believe he has never seen a war he did not like. I do believe we will be in war with Iran within 2 years if he is elected. Lets not forget his new hit song he sang in Iraq. Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran. To the tune of the Beach boys song Barbara Ann. This guy scares the mortal shi* out of me. I will not, repeat, Will Not vote for this guy. I would have to do more than hold my nose. Just my opinion but it does raise an eyebrow.

Hopefully he won't be a Bush extension. The fact that he hates earmarks tells me he'll be harder to let pork get past him. As far as Iran, I'm upset Bush didn't take them and Syria out when it was a popular notion. Even a good number of Iranians were hoping for that; and most likely, still are.


Veteran Expediter
I still say before we sent any of our troops in we should have carpet bombed Iraq,Syria, and Iran. While we were invading Iraq from Kuwait the WMDs were going by truck to Syria and Iran. Alot of people want you to believe they were never there. They were. They were gone before we could get to them. Now they are in the hands of terrorist in Syria and Iran. I know this for a fact.