Defining Hypocrisy


Veteran Expediter
This global warming/climate change will not be solved until there is some seriousness and examine the ‘experts’ and spokesman of the cause. It amazes me that many will point the people who defend and follow Bush and other people are lemmings, are uninformed and stupid. The war in Iraq, the Oil question and invasion – all have been brought up and debated as issues that split our opinions but global warming/climate change must not have any debate, no countering of the self-appointed experts and now we are going into the a 1984 situation where there are people in the UN who want to make it a crime to deny that global warming/climate change is actually man made – what madness this religion is turning into.

No where can be found any discussion that there is proof that the earth can be changing on it’s own but rather there are some theories that it is only man made pollution that is effecting the earth which everyone keeps pointed to as fact. Some have investigated NASA only to find that the temp monitor system sensors have been placed in locations where the recorded temps are skewed – like sitting on the end of the take off runway behind the jet blast shield or on the side of an interstate 3 feet from the ground and over asphalt surface.

But as I have said before, the guru of do as I say but not as I do ALGORE has not earned the Nobel peace prize. He has not earned the respect of most Americans but instead of doing something when he had the access, the power and the means to actually make changes did nothing. He made a ‘documentary’ and now has become the ‘expert’ on global warming/climate change.

Since he has been part of the problem and not shown any indication that he has a willingness to change, he and the people who follow him are the hypocrites here. Not just a plain hypocrite but a defining hypocrite. Not only has he claimed that he has invested in carbon offsets though his own company but also has flown more in his private jet, refusing to fly commercial, and when he won the prize instead of proving to the world that he truly is concerned about global warming/climate change by calling Oslo and receiving the prize over the phone, he flew there, then flew back to the US. After increasing his carbon foot print with that little trip more than my truck has produced for its entire life, he had a party in southern California where he had flown in the food from Alaska and Europe instead of locally grown food with guests who also flown in from all over the world, he will be going to a very large party in Oslo with all kinds of Hollywood types with all kinds of catered food from all over the world, with a concert which of course introduce more carbon.

Amazing that people think that ALGORE is the savior of the world, how really are the fools here? But again, if we can just get past the hypocrisy and the lies, we will find a couple people who actual say “Do as I do, not as I don’t do†so I still think that Ed Begley jr. is the person who should have gotten the prize.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member

I would take your comments alot more seriously, if you didn't feel compelled to place blame on some liberal. Name calling is a cheap way to make a point

Road Hooligan


Veteran Expediter
What name calling?


Well it is better than Al the tree, or Al the idiot.

Let's see, here is someone who is put on a pedestal as the Global Warming Guru and has ZERO qualifications to be anything but a politician and who has said "this is not a debatable issue, we must make changes".

He is also the person who followers seem to be left of left (not liberal but rather radical) and rather want to see the country destroyed at the same time tearing people apart in the media, being confrontational towards people who are doubting this is only a man made issue.

He is the same person who would rather hand off the country to the UN control to solve this problem, who has not given a dime to real solutions or actually didn't do a thing to help the environment.

Name calling?

I think that the people who support him and his 'mission' do the name calling - if you are not on their side 100%, then you are racist/hate the earth/want to see children die, they call Bush/Cheney and others names who are conservative names that are indescribable names, Randi Rhodes is one who I can't understand how she gets away with her comments of killing the president.

Name calling? ALGORE is just a moniker for him and the twisted way he is saving the earth.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Interesting. I haven't seen the so called tree huggers calling people names on the forum.

However, you do provid a very good definition of hypocrisy.

Road Hooligan


Veteran Expediter
>Interesting. I haven't seen the so called tree huggers
>calling people names on the forum.

I don't think we have radical environmentalist here, so it is not about the forum but the facts.

>However, you do provid a very good definition of hypocrisy.

That was the purpose of the post but it does not end with ALGORE, there are hypocrites in every political party, like McCain and his $50 an hour lettuce picking job.


Veteran Expediter
>>Interesting. I haven't seen the so called tree huggers
>>calling people names on the forum.
>I don't think we have radical environmentalist here, so it
>is not about the forum but the facts.

If there were any radical environmentalist expediters they would be genuine Al Gore type hypocrites. Being that expediting as most of us define it, exclusive use etc., is one of the most inefficient and fuel wasting forms of transporting freight.

I'm not saying we shouldn't do what we can to save fuel and reduce pollution. It's just that one can't be an expediter and a green freak unless one subscribes to the Al Gore environmental philosophy- do as I say, not as I do.


Veteran Expediter
>Being that expediting as most of us define it, exclusive use etc., is >one of the most inefficient and fuel wasting forms of transporting >freight.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Greg: Please let me know where to find substantiation for your asseration that Randi Rhodes called for killing the President. Thank you.


Retired Expediter
I for one DO believe in global warming BUT also combining that with the fact we are still at the end of a receding ice age still just makes it worse.
I DO believe I live in prime real estate in the future! IF the water rises to the expected levels thats 15-20 miles inland a lot of people will be moving! Coastline cities will be history...Boston, NYC, DC, most of Florida, New Orleans, California up to the base of the Rockies!
Fresh water will be an issue as salt water invades fresh water lakes.
Where's the hurricanes? If they have a 3rd year of no hurricanes the southeast will turn to desert.
Many deny all this subtle change as an anomoly in nature.
Greg once asked why we are not building more desalination plants? Because the idiots have built the existing ones at present sea levels on the coast! DOH.
I DO NOT believe we should drill in the Artic or The Great Lakes. I don't trust the oil companies with our greatest and largest supply of fresh water! They(oil people) have a dismal record of destroying everything they touch.


Veteran Expediter
There are several places where you can find miss Randi's comments on the web. I heard her her talk about assassination would be the best thing for this country on two occasions.


I think that if we truly see global warming, we won't see the rise in the oceans as the 'experts' say will happen. Don't forget that we have had a warming period around a 1000 years ago and than followed by a cooling period. The thing that most people forget is that water vapor unless there is a serious warming of the earth to say 1000 degrees C, still exists in the atmosphere and won't be consumed or disappear from the earth. With the oceans rising, the amount of ice on land or supported by land is smaller than the 'experts' have been saying and anyone with any lick of sense can understand that an ice cube in a glass of water when melted actually contracts not expands - forget which theory that is but the last time I checked, we haven't had too many things change in the world of Physics.

As for drilling in Alaska and the great lakes, I am still all for it, the risk that we can afford to take is nil compared to dealing with control of our oil supply by foreign countries.

Oh and just to throw this in, the Indian Government has made it clear that any requirements for a new Kyoto Protocol will not force them to change their path to growing their economy. Being the number two polluter in the third world, this is a clear message that they will not be forced to deal with the same this we will be forced. People tend to forget that they have a very strong economy and they can afford to make the changes needed to cut pollution but you know that the UN will back poor India at the same time forcing us to change. Before anyone says a thing, I want them to go to India and see how bad it is and go to our worst city here and compare.


Retired Expediter
Well I just let an ice cube melt and I'd say I lost about 25% of the volume...Hence 100 miles worth of ice is worth about 75 miles of water! Thats alot of water. Salt Water. Your gambling there will be another cooling period within the next 1,000 yrs?

Nope stay out of the Great Lakes and Alaska! Do you really trust these oil companies to drill safely? Are you really willing to sacrifice our last resource of fresh water for a little oil?
Every time theres an oil shortage and fuel prices skyrocket technology takes a leap forward then as the prices ease it slows down....What we really need is a real shortage and force a real and sustained effort to find alternative fuels and make them viable. There is not an infinate supply of oil so why wait till our backs are against the wall. Now thats procrastination.