Veteran Expediter
Why is it that all these (supposedly) former Socialists, Trotskyites, and Shachtmanites ..... and other assorted flavors of Commie .... are so attracted to Neoconservatism ?
then posted in response:
and finally:
(Justin Raimondo's piece on Horowitz's Radical Son is a good read .... if you want to get a general idea of just how vain and self-obsessed a fat little weasel can be ..... while dutifully avoiding enriching said weasel by not purchasing his book ...)
Original posts can be found in the blog section at:
The LRC Blog
David Horowitz Is Frantic About Ron Paul
By Lew Rockwell
"It’s almost funny. I mean the laughable smears by the PC brigade against Ron Paul, this time because he is against perpetual war in the Middle East, and perpetual foreign aid to Israel, Egypt, Jordan, etc. For this, Ron is branded by former communist and current run-on sentencer David Horowitz as a “Vicious Anti-Semite and Anti-American and Conservatives Need To Wash Their Hands of Him.” A follow-up article by the slightly less run-on but more wonderfully named David Swindle is entitled “The Anti-Semites Who Swarmed Us at CPAC and the Future of the Right.”
On the other hand, also at CPAC, Bush conservative Ann Coulter said, in answer to a student question: “Dr. Paul is a very smart man and whenever he says anything I listen, unless it is about foreign policy, because I am afraid he might convince me.” [Rlent Editorial Comment: It is indeed an absolute ***** when you have drank the Koolaid .... and you know that you have ... and still keeping on suckin' and chuggin' away inspite of it all. Ann, you have my sincere condolences ... ]
Indeed, more and more Americans are being convinced by Ron Paul on peace as well as freedom, Austrian economics, and the Fed."
then posted in response:
Horowitz Revisited
By Butler Schaffer
"Lew: I have long regarded David Horowitz as a weather-vane commentator. In the Leftish environment of the 1960s he wrote articles and books critical of the political establishment. When the political climate shifted Rightward, he found neoconservative policies more to his liking. I suspect that, if cannibalism ever becomes popular in America, he will start writing cookbooks! Perhaps “Serving Our Fellow Man” will be a forthcoming title."
and finally:
Re: Horowitz Revisited
By Stephen Kinsella
"Butler and Lew: You are so right about the loathsome Horowitz. It’s a good time to remind people of Justin Raimondo’s great, withering review of Horowitz’s memoir Radical Son: David Horowitz and the Ex-Communist Confessional.
(Justin Raimondo's piece on Horowitz's Radical Son is a good read .... if you want to get a general idea of just how vain and self-obsessed a fat little weasel can be ..... while dutifully avoiding enriching said weasel by not purchasing his book ...)
Original posts can be found in the blog section at:
The LRC Blog
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