Maybe it's funny because it's true, I don't know. But while some people use racism for political purposes, racism in and of itself knows no political party or has a political agenda. Racism is universal. There is precisely the same amount of racism in the Tea Party as there is in any other (make that every other) political party.
The charges that the Tea Party is racist, implying somehow that Democrats or Republican or Independents are not, is ridiculous. It's almost as ridiculous as those who say racism in the Tea party doesn't exist. And no, there is no more or less demonstration of racism in the Tea Party or any other party - they all demonstrate their racism equally.
It's pretty amazing to see how many ways the mainstream media are able to analyze and dissect the Tea Party movement on a regular basis. But over the last few years it has been en vogue to challenge this movement on merits of race -
a popular ad hominem talking point for opponents of the movement. In the above link, not only are the statements and position incredibly ironic, they are made up. This is where racism is used for political purposes.
It is also used for political purposes when black Tea Party supporters are labeled, by liberal Democrats, as Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white Tea Party movement, and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation's first black president. True enough, the Tea Party is mostly white, but so is the Democratic party, and so is America. So, taking pains to point out the Tea party is mostly white, and therefore racist by default, is either silly or despicably evil. Take yer pick.
As a grassroots movement with no registration or formal structure, there are no official racial demographics available for the tea party movement, and thanks to the mainstream media's efforts and the efforts of those opposed to the Tea Party, the common belief is that the Tea Party only includes a tiny fraction of blacks and Hispanics. However, as the initial
2010 Gallup poll and other polls show, the racial and other demographic makeup of the Tea Party almost exactly mirrors that of the nation at large. Because of that, you won't find any more or any less racism than you do in the nation at large.