Think of your time not as a calendar or clock but as a countdown timer. For discussion we're going to presume you are starting brand new on day 1 so there is no prior time in your logbook at all. You are as brand new as they come. Your time isn't bound by the date on the calendar because it can and often will overlap from one to another. It's all based on elapsed time, that's why I say let's think countdown timer.
You start out with 14 hours on your countdown timer. When you click start the first 15 minutes in your log are going to be line 4 doing a PTI on the truck. That's a given, or at least should be. From the moment you click start you are allowed to log a maximum of 14 hours with a maximum of only 11 of those hours being line 3 driving hours.
If you click start at 0800 then you must be parked at your destination for your 10 hour DOT rest break no later than 2200 that night. If you click start at 1600 then you must be stopped no later than 0600 the following calendar morning.
Hypothetical day with logbook line numbers in parenthesis, 0800 click start, do PTI 15 minutes (4), drive 45 minutes to shipper (3), check in at office, back up to door, get loaded, collect paperwork and roll (15 on 4) (45 on 1), drive until stop for fuel 2.5 hours (3), fuel truck half hour (4), lunch half hour (1) drive until pitstop 4 hours (3), pitstop 30 minutes (1), drive one hour (3), (1) win lucky dog drawing and pull around behind scales to take in paperwork 30 minutes (4), drive one hour to consignee (3), check in at office, back up to door, get unloaded, collect signed paperwork and roll (15 on 4) (45 on 1), drive 30 minutes to truckstop to wait on next load (3).
Accidentally, this adds up to 14 hours total with 9.75 hours being spent driving. This would be a legally logged day. If any one of those things had taken 15 minutes longer then this would be a violation of the 14 hour rule since your countdown timer would have run to zero half way to the truckstop in your last driving segment.
I hope that helps some. Good luck.
Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
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