

Veteran Expediter
Is it just me or am I the only person who is not with fedex or panther? nothing against fedex or panther i just feel like a loner i guess. It would be nice to know what companies everyone is with.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
i was with fedexcc for 11 years than moved to egl ben there 3 years working on 4, like running 90 percent local and 10 out of town
and home most nights and why run the roads when you can make same amount of money and be home every night just about
and doing it in sprinter

also looking for tractors to if intrested in hampton roads area
e mail me give ya more info


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
They are the two bigger companies so you will see more folks from them two. But there are numerous people from all different companies to running on their own. Alot of times it is listed in their signature.
Additionally, you will see alot of the members truck photos in the photo section.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
I know fedex and panther are the two largest. I have had no experience with fedex but i have had experience with panther. i'll put it like this the suits at panther are big in the biz they know it and they show it with the way they treat people. nothing against the o/os,drivers and fleet owners there.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
There are plenty of Expediters on this site that are with other companies. Tri State, Express 1 LEA,Nations The Colonel(had to do that Larry) Bolt.Stewart and it goes on.
While FEDEX and Panther are major players sometimes a smaller operation is a better fit.


Veteran Expediter

I'm w/ EGL like Geo & I agree w/ him about the company. I don't agree w/ him on the Sprinter but I respect his opinion & the vehicle seems to be working out for him where as it didn't for me. Now that I'm back in my Ford I can enjoy my work because I'm not working to pay for a vehicle.

EGL has been awesome recently. I feel a lil hesitant to write this cuz I don't wanna jinx myself. I live in Flint, Michigan. For the last 2 weeks every one of my runs have been from up north down to Metro Airport. Yes, it's 50% dead miles, but they pay more than most companies per mile & a few times in there I've gotten a 2nd pick up added on. Plus, I'll gladly take a few more dead miles if it means being home every nite.

I get dispatched in the afternoon & head up north. By time I get to the Detroit area the heavy traffic has died down. Last night was the first bad traffic jam I hit in over 2 weeks. Not to bad considering I'm a local Detroit driver & all the construction going on down there.

I'm putting 3-500 miles on my truck every day, about half of which are paid. It's a relaxing drive. Very enjoyable & very scenic in many cases. I'm often home by midnite & then I go online & play some poker, & am doing pretty well there too. In tournament play I'm up & in ring game play I'm down a touch based on my actual play, but up in these games to when you factor in the bonuses you get for depositing money on various sites.

That's a whole 'nother subject, but I'll do even better at ring games when I get the programs that some of these other people have. Right now it's my poker skills vs. the poker skills AND technology of some of the other players. No cheating is going on, people openly talk about programs that sites endorse. They do things like monitor how people are playing & such. I wasn't aware such things even existed.

Anyways, back to expediting. This is EXACTLY what I envisioned expediting being like for me. I'm w/ a great company w/out a van payment taking all my funds. I have money flexability & I'm enjoying not only my job, but my life as well.

Take care,


Expert Expediter
Hey DannyD,

Don't forget to mention that if you're running airfreight, those loaded miles are usually a lot more than MOST vans get in expediting, because you are usually making a roundtrip w/ freight. Tell me if I'm wrong. I know every market is different. I could probably take a guess for you if you PM me.

Oh, and as to the original post, it is true. Not everyone runs for Fedex, even though there are probably quite a few of them because of company size. I myself run expedited deliveries for the airfreight side. There are also some LTL and FTL truckers on here as well.


Veteran Expediter
I was with PTL For awhile now I'm doing time with Mercury out of Cleveland 90%local 10%OTR.

Owner/Operator since 1979
Expediter since 1997
B Unit Semi Retired
Somedays are Diamonds and Somedays are Stones


Veteran Expediter
>Hey DannyD,
>Don't forget to mention that if you're running airfreight,
>those loaded miles are usually a lot more than MOST vans get
>in expediting, because you are usually making a roundtrip w/
>freight. Tell me if I'm wrong. I know every market is
>different. I could probably take a guess for you if you PM

You're pretty accurate. If it's not roundtrip, ya tend to get a few runs in your truck. So one right might drop off 20 miles away, the next one 38 & the next one 53. Ya get paid a zone charge, if ya will for each of em, so ya can end up doing quite well per mile.

The way I'm doing it now, I'm making less per mile than most of our drivers for sure. Though I'm still doing better on a per mile basis than I was at my old company. I'm also fighting a lot less traffic than most of the Detroit area EGL drivers. So it's a trade-off I guess. While what I'm doing might not be the right fit for some people, all in all I'm pretty happy w/ things.

Take care,


Expert Expediter
Independent here. worked with CTX for years, now on our own with a 2 tractor trailers and one o/o. We work WITH all the companies you mentioned except Eagle. I love working with Express America, Fed Ex, Panther and Con-Way. We do a lot of partner-carrier work with them and can work at our rate. Been on our own for 3 years now and loving it, but its a constant battle.


Veteran Expediter
We are with Conway and doing great. We were with FedEx for 10 yrs. Running a lot better now with Conway. We aren't sitting as much.


Veteran Expediter
I have run for Tri State and Express1 but for the last year and half have been running for a small local company and really get dispatched by Ryder and Penske. My truck and I are paid by the hour and I normally get 10 to 12 a day 6days a week. I am home every night.

If I need to blow the stink off I just give a little notice and they load me up a decent road trip. It only takes one run before I realize why hourly rate beats the mileage pay and then I am happy again for a while.

I am sure one day I will go back to Expediting with Express1 but for now I am very happy. This has allowed me steady work on a schedule allowing me to work on my trucks appearence and be home too.

There is so much local, Ohio, work I just do not see a need to jump back out there and live in the truck. But I will when the time comes and in this business, I am sure it will come.



Expert Expediter
Drove with CTX from feb 2001 to aug 2003 averaged 63 cents per mile on all miles. Now with Landstar Express ave 1.25 on all miles, hmmm don't think I want to change.

Leam 4474