Communication and the CB Radio


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I run the Ohio turn-pike 5-nights a week in both directions, and use the CB radio for both a tool and a means of staying awake. Ohio is a very live and busy CB radio area. I've found and met alot of great people running up and down the road over the CB. 99% of the people that I've met and run with are tractor trailer drivers. I see a large number of 6 wheelers and vans that are in the business running the road along with me, 'BUT' for the most part, :( when I call out to them I don't get any response back. At times someone will come back with a wise crack or two about it. x(

My Question is: Do the expediters that run 6 wheelers and vans monitor another channel other than 19 that I'm not aware of, or do the expediting companies have their own channel?

Even though 19 is the channel used for all across the mighty USA as the info channel, Isn't it time we find and monitor our own channel as expediters? There are enough of us to reach out and touch!}> If you don't own one and if you buy it you can use the cost of it as a write off.

We may even get Expeditersonline involved in this crusade!!!:+ :+ :+
After all! Isn't expediting the backbone of America?:p :p :p

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
A year or two ago a movement was started to create a "expediters channel" Lawrence created a poll on the site and the majority of the people deceided on channel 30. It was a good idea but it kinda fizzled after that.

Myself My "Childrens band" radio has been busted for about 3 months and I haven't bothered to fix it. I guess because my folks had a CB before they were popular in the 70's I remember how people treated each other on there. Everyone got along (Truckers too) There was no profanity or "radio Rambos" It was like a big party line. They used to be fun (kinda like this site in a lot of ways) It makes me sad when I turn it on now...

I am willing to get mine fixed if everyone wants to get the "Offical channel" going. In fact maybe that would make a great bumper sticker:
"Expediters CB channel 30-Brought to you by The expediter Mega site" hmmmm......


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The idea of a frequency for expeditors sounds fine to me. I know when I am anywhere near a large city, or if some jerk gets on the radio, I am reaching for the "off" button for channel 19. Most drivers I know monitor 19 for traffic reports and bears. Although I keep "close" to the posted speeds, I do like to know what is happening with construction and accidents before I start seeing all of the brake lights.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I monitor 19, for the most part. I have a FM radio and CD player that are much more entertaining- so the VU is usually higher there. I remember the old vote for the expediter channel- I voted for 21 which is easy to remember (blackjack) and close to 19, but far enough away in frequency to not cause interference to 19, and is not busy. Should we vote again??


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
It would be nice to have a channel of our own. But, I have no choice but to leave the cb on channel 19. My arms are to short to reach the radio and keep changing channels!:(

I also remember the time when the cb was a great place to talk to other drivers. It was alot of fun back then.

My only true complaint about the cb radio is the lanugage that is being used. Its all in four letters!!!!!!

That's a big 10-4 good buddy!

Ops, can not use good buddy any more either. How sad, that life has changed that much.

Sorry, just my random thoughts:)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have noticed alot of tractor trailer drivers won't talk to us or give us a flash after we tell them its clear to come back into the lane. Its like were a :censoredsign: child or something. Anyway, the cb has more trash mouthed people on it these days than 10 years ago. I listen for the traffic or bear reports and don't pay to much attention to the jerks flappin there mouths. Its like a contest who can swear more in one sentence. I was hoping the FCC would open up the band to 80 channels but the ARRL stopped that movement awhile back.
Isn't there a radio (family radio or something) that you can punch in a private code so only those with that code can talk to each other and others on that frequency won't here you? If so, maybe we should look into something like that so we can communicate between us as we pass each other. I would concider this if this is possible.
Happy Holidays and safe driving


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I run a Van and my husband runs a 6-wheeler that you referred to. The reason you don't hear from us so often is that the tractor trailers do not want to talk to us "peons". I don't know how many times I have called out to someone and have never received a reply, or as soon as they find out I'm a woman, they turn the talk to sex and start talking really vulgar. My husband in his six wheeler tried to call out to a tractor trailer one time, and the response he got was "I don't talk to you guys" and he sped on. My husband was trying to warn him about the county mounty up the road. In the next few minutes, my husband passed the same truck only to find that he had been pulled over by the county husband picked up the CB and said, "maybe next time you'll talk to me!".


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
>>>I run a Van and my husband runs a 6-wheeler that you
>>>referred to. The reason you don't hear from us so often is
>>>that the tractor trailers do not want to talk to us "peons".
>>>I don't know how many times I have called out to someone and
>>>have never received a reply, or as soon as they find out I'm
>>>a woman, they turn the talk to sex and start talking really
>>>vulgar. My husband in his six wheeler tried to call out to
>>>a tractor trailer one time, and the response he got was "I
>>>don't talk to you guys" and he sped on. My husband was
>>>trying to warn him about the county mounty up the road. In
>>>the next few minutes, my husband passed the same truck only
>>>to find that he had been pulled over by the county
>>> husband picked up the CB and said, "maybe next
>>>time you'll talk to me!".

First off, who cares if a truck driver does not talk to you, it does not bother me in the least. Just always remember that you are just as good as anyone else. There was a post about flashing a driver in, well I used to do it all the time, no thanks so guess what. Now on the subject of CB Channel. As previously posted, Lawrence posted and requested for a vote, as I recall from reading the threads it was like a bunch of old government bureaucrats arguing over the last
piece of pie. So let's make it simple so we know. As far as I am concerned the latetest is Channel 30, that's fine with me and where I will go if I see an expediter. If your there fine, if not ok. So let's see how many are going to be on 30


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
P.S. Just re-read the thread, please do not take it wrong when I said "who cares" I was not referring to you directly, just that you should not take it personally.:) i.e, you should not care.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
One thing I have been trying to get at with my channel 21 thing for expediters is it is only 2 "clicks" up from 19, you can tune to it quickly without looking at the radio itself. I think 30 is just too hard to go up to for a clown :+ like me.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Two clicks from sesame street, and the same channel Mr. good buddy is always telling that guy named BJ to go to. Channel 21 or 30 what will it be ------- ???????????