Cetane Boost


Veteran Expediter
I just picked up two 96 oz containers of Diesel Power Cetane Boost. Does anyone use this regulary and if you do does it really increase mpg? It states 5% I believe it works by blending with the fuel to ignite more of it.
I had once read that only about 60% of the fuel we consume is actually burned the rest just goes up the stack unburned. This is why cars have catalytic convertors to burn the unburned fuel that was not burnt in the engine thus less carbon monoxide in the air.
Product claims to increase Cetane Level up to 6% 96 oz to 150 gallons or 3% to 300 gallons.

The Gibster

Expert Expediter
Hey Broompilot!

We used it a couple of times when at small stops and wondering about fuel quality. It seemed to give smoother acceleration, but I don't use it reguarly and therefore don't have a baseline to compare to.

Strickly on drivability I'd use it as a summer additive.


Expert Expediter

I used it in my VW Jetta TDI and inproved acceleration and inproved my mileage buy 4-6 mpg. It also cut down on the white smoke coming out of the tailpipe. Besides, my cousin which is a longhaul trucker started me on the product. But that is only my .02 ........he drives a 93 Pete with a 425 CAT. It works for him and me.
