I run a galaxy 99,its one of those illegal high powered radios,unless its being used on 10 meters,since im not a ham,its just used on 11 meters,(cb).With all the power,sometimes I can be heard either,or they just dont want to answer.But ,no matter,since my speeding days are non existant,i just have the radio to listen for traffic conditions,where the police are .is no matter to me.Ts nice to know in advance about wrecks,icy conditions,roads closed,especially with the work we do,so can take a different direction if need be.
get yourself a used radio,most of the radios are all the same.have the tech guy put it on a modultiion meter,and if he says its doing over 100% modulation,you dont want it,unless he can fix it, stay away,as anything over 100% will be distorted.you should be able to pick up a used radio good radio for less than $50.00,as for an antenna,aany antenna that the standing wave can adjust to 1 to 1 is a good antenna,the $100.00 antennas dont do any better than to 10$ antennas if adjusted properly,but the longer in height the better,otherwise an 8 foot whip is the best.Dual anteennas just make the radio think there is one antenna in the middle of the truck,so there for if you can mount an antenna on your roof in the middle thats the best place for it.If you want a great hobby,by all means study and get your ham liscense,from what I understand,its not that difficult anymore,I was doing thay 50 years ago when i was a boy scout,but much harder then,so I never completed it.and with the outlaw radio I have,if the air wave conditios are just right I can talk around the world,its called a skip condition.Hope this helped some
be safe and good luck.