Can the new health care plan reverse Roe V. Wade?


Veteran Expediter
OK Here is the deal, this is not about abortion but about privacy rights which was the basis for Roe v. Wade.

Basically the decision was base on what happens between a doctor and a patient is between a doctor and a patient, no one else.

So here is the thing, in the new health care thing, privacy rights goes right out the window among other things, doctor's decision making power is not out of the hands of the patient and into the hands of other people, one of which is the right not to carry insurance - each can be construed as a doctor/patient issue.

So for example if I pay my doctor directly for service base on my need for privacy where there is no record, like for my male enhancement implants, the state (meaning Obama) has no right to know what I am doing and can't prevent me from having the procedure or paying for it outside the insurance program.

BUT.... if the congress chooses to push the issue, maybe this will end up either back in court where Roe v. Wade is re-examined or there is an attempt to modify the court's decision which could be construed as a separation of powers issue.