

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
One of the things that pisses me off is that for the most part the Presidential candidats on both sides are elected Federal or State employees that bring home a Federal or State paycheck every 2 weeks that we the taxpayers are funding.

Senators Clinton,Bamabama,Edwards, Biden, McCain plus Rommey and the others should forego their salaries and benefits when they are out campaiging for there own ambitions.

If they worked in private industry they would have to take a leave of absence from their positions to work on the campaign trail so why shouldn't government employees be required to do the same as these people who we elected are not doing the job we elected them to do.

Of course there is no way on the face of this earth that Congress would make this a rule and upset their little private club.


Expert Expediter
Great point!!! I have thought about that in the past and wondered if we were still paying for them to do their elected jobs while they are on the campaign trail. I never followed through to find out if they were taking time off(without pay) while campaigning. I think I knew the answer without researching it. I guess they feel their staff is running the day to day work as they always do, and if an excutive decision needs to be made they can be easily contacted to do so.
I think I'll run for something,
Dawg catcher or sumthin.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It should have been set up so you have to resign one office to run for another. It would get fresh faces into the lower jobs at least.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Veteran Expediter
Bob Dole at one time told Kerry that if he was serious about winning the white house, he needs to respect his constituents and step down as senator. One reason he didn't win - his arrogance.

I think that this should be the rule for every politician from Dog Catcher to Senator that you vacate the office you hold to champaign for another office which shows the respect for the people who elect you and is the indication of the respect you will show all the people.

After looking at the 'candidates' I don't see one of them good enough to live up to Bob Dole's actions.

But again there is no ethics in the field either.


Veteran Expediter
We want term limits and we are getting them. We vote a guy in for four years, and he serves three in office. The fourth year he is on the campaign trail. Isn't that like a term limit?

:+ :+