Bye Bye Gustav!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For the most part Gustav has come and gone. From the talk here it kinda fizzeled. A very good thing. This shelter was only about 1/3 full. We only lost power for about an hour when a generator failed. No drivers were injured and there was only some minor damage to a couple of tractors. All from flying debris. The best part was watching sh*t fly!!! There were full porta potties all over from Saturday's football game (that is another story.) They did not have time to get them picked up before the storm hit. WELL, you should have seen it! Porta Potties and sh*t flying everywhere!!!! The military and emergency workers all picked "favorite poopers" and were placing bets on who's "pooper" would fly the furtherest!! Great fun!!! No real problems, all that needed treatment were handled without a problem. May get more in once the helicopters can fly but the athorities are very happy with the outcome of this storm, at least so far. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Now you can scoot over to the east coast and clean up from Hanna now Cat 1 and growing....and then there's now Tropical Storm IKE expected to be a hurricane within the next 36 hours...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We shall see, we are still "on duty" down here. The roads are all still closed. We have be taken off of "lock down" status in the shelter and have been allowed to go out to our trucks. We were all under "house arrest" for 14 hours. Could not leave. Will sleep in our own bunk tonight, MMM, with any luck it will be our first full nights sleep in 4-5 days. Should feel REAL good!!!! Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Have found a bit of storm damage on the truck. My cargo box is leaking between the walls on the right side. There is a fair amout of standing water on the floor. The inside wall is dry. The right side of the hood took a hit from "something". Messed up the fiberglass and paint a bit and bent the mount on the blind spot mirror and scrached the mirror. So far that is all we have found. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Several more trucks here have found minor damage. The lone Panther truck (yes, we even talk to them) has 2 holes in the roof. So far the only problems have been some college age girls asking quote "too many questions" and trying to take pictures of the patients in the shelter. For the most part the people in here are out of nursing homes and hosptials. They were escorted out. There was another(or maybe the same) women asking us what we were doing here, what we were carrying and could they take pictures. We told them working, nunja (none of your business) and no. Then got the guards from the CoonAss brigade of the LA National Guard (good guys and most are combat vets, real butt kickers) to remove her from the place. The only complaints I have heard from sheltered people was not being allowed to smoke. In spite of the conditions, no power, generators out etc they have served HOT meals for all every day. Including us drivers. The LSU serving staff has been here for days, what a fine bunch of folks. Little sleep and busting thier butts to insure the comfort of everyone in here. The medics from MA have been un-real. I am impressed. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
We have a bunch of evacuees here in town. A few of the churches have been feeding them free hot meals. Maybe it's just me, but I prefer to see churches and civic groups help people more than I do just the government. Mainly because I feel churches and civic groups can do it cheaper than the government can when a bunch of people chip in. The government doesn't care about things like how much something costs. Where a church can go to the local mom and pop grocery store and buy things at cost because the grocers want to help, and the meals are prepared and served by volunteers. People get helped and the ones helping get a good feeling from it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We just happen to be at a "government" shelter. As in any disaster in this country the people are stepping up everywhere to help. American has a proud history of volunteering. More than anywhere else in the world. As a group we are a VERY giving people. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
WOW!!! The sun just popped out!!! Kinda nice to see it again. Glad to see that Gustav did not blow it away. Layoutshooter