Buying a Truck


Veteran Expediter
Does anyone know of any honest fleet owners who might would help an honest, hard working young man get a truck? I'm looking at a truck at ellenbaum it's an international 2000 they only want 23,900 for it. The last credit person I talked to said I have good credit but my score is low because I have very little credit. I drive for an owner at Tri-State know and I like it there and would like to lease there as well. Maybe set up a contract deal where the fleet owner who helps me could benefit a little to. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.Or maybe someone knows a fleet owner who does lease purchase?


You can try Pat or Tim Hopkins out of Columbus, Ohio. I don't have there number. But if you look in some of the old Add's on here you can find there number. I hope this helps. There really good guys.

Drive safe

Dave Mayfield
FEDExCC/Roberts Express O/O Since 3/1/1995


Not a Member
Hi Ark, Dave mentioned Pat and Tim and while I don't know them personally, their reputation is among the best in the business. With that being said.....We have been at this since 11/04 we have seen the best and worst, we have driven a $23,000 truck and and drive a $160,000 truck right now, we have seen mad freight rates and rates that were a joke. We wanted to buy our own truck too but sought council from other members of this forum and what we have learned is that it is better to start out with a good quality "budget" hauler to start your business However you need a good solid sum of cash put back and dedicated for unforeseen expenses ($23,000 sounds like a good number). This business is very fickle and as a consequence you would also need a good float account for the slow times (bad weeks). Please understand I would not say anything to discourage you but to be successful at expedite as an owner you have to be very business savvy. You have come to the right place for info that will help you if you dig deep in the archives and ask questions of the veteran expediters.


Veteran Expediter
Great Response, Business SAVY this is the only difference between O/O success and failure.

A 23K truck to operate a profitable business I am not saying it could not be done but the odds are most likely against one if one does not have another 10K in savings not 8 not 7 I mean TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS CASH IN SAVINGS NO CREDIT LINES, NO FAMILY NO NOTHING TEN THOUSAND OF YOUR OWN HARD EARNED SAVINGS than only then can one appriciate the fruit of ones success or failures.

A 23K truck is gona cost $ do not kid yourself, if it does not get on the side of the highway every night and thank someone preferably the Good Lord that it has made it through another day and anothe dollar in your pocket.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna get my credit better and more savings so i can do it by myself. I just get tired of having someone taking a piece of the pie and leaving me with crumbs. But hey i guess i will appreciate it even more when i get it own my own. Thanks.


Veteran Expediter
If you want more than crumbs, forget Ellenbaums. I'd look elsewhere. Take a good look at his trucks on truckpaper. Most of them aren't even cleaned up.