Thank you for responding.
What made him scared of doing business with you?
Long story short, he was going through a divorce when we planned it all out. They decided to stay together and I think his situation changed and/or she changed his mind on it. We put it all in my name so she wouldn’t get anything once divorce was final. Then planned on moving partial ownership. Well they aren’t getting divorced anymore so something happened and I am not sure what it is. He just flakes out. Good thing is the business and dot is all mine, bad thing, he was the knowledge and experience.
What was your business plan?
Get some expedite vans and have the ran under my numbers. Planning on running loads for some factories in Louisville area to some OEMs. But not opposed to load boards if I can get a good driver. What he told me was sylectus is a great load board and was planning on getting that.
What’s your experience?
Not much. I know the ins and outs of how to run a bunsiness he knew the ins and outs of trucking/ dispatch contacts things like that.
How far are you in?
I got the DOT and the LLC. Not too far in, just a lot of time and cost for getting the DOT and LLC. Would like it not to go to waste.
What’s your plan if you get no advice here?
Keep looking for info and options. LLC won’t go to waste because I can rename the business to something else to salvage that. LLCs are cheap to maintain.