buddy heater


Seasoned Expediter
hey guys,anyone use a buddy heater for thier cargo van,does it do the trick,do you crack the windows,tell me all.thanks


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
yep I use one, yes roll down ur window, at least 2 window, 2 inches, and get a carbon monoxide alarm for sure, run a small fan off ur battery, like one of those that they use on a computer. Now it will keep u comfy to a point, but not hot. If ur in 25 below stuff, it gets iffy, but I also have a generator and run 1500w of electric heat if I have to. with propane ur windows will sweat and sometimes moisture will drip from ur overhead , so I would insulate ur ceiling and walls too.


Not a Member
The propane method would and does just plain worry me about those who use it. Please ,be careful.The last thing I want to read or hear is how a driver passed away because of carbon monoxide poisoining.Even me idling the van doesnt sit too well with me.I do have one of those detectors in here, but,still...One day, I'll get a generator with a electric heater.It worked well with my straight truck in the past.