Break Even Point


Veteran Expediter
We all have some fixed Expenses. Do you know yours? What in (general) do you feel is the break even point, in other words how much revenue do you need to produce until you make the first dollar in a month. This I should add is more directed at Owners running their own truck.


Veteran Expediter
Knowing your costs(or at least anticipated costs) will go a long way in staying profitable.It's funny how bank accounts seen to know exactly how much repairs are.It's like the shops are wired into you bank!I think not knowing what it MIGHT cost too operate a truck or a fleet is the first clue you may have made a mistake..........


Veteran Expediter
I don't want to put dollar figures, so on a good month the first 2 weeks belong to the truck the rest of the month is mine.Slow months usually the truck gets 3 weeks.


Expert Expediter
>It's funny how bank accounts
>seenm to know exactly how much repairs are.It's like the
>shops are wired into you bank!

How true!

Same thing happens when my wife goes shopping.


Veteran Expediter
My fixed expenses have definately went up. W/ my previous company, approx. $1000/month covered van, house payment, & pretty much everything I owed. (cable, insurance, etc).

Now I've got to make about double that due in large part to a new van & insurance that's now $300 vs. the old of $75. My housing expenses will also be going up as soon as I'm able to find a new house.

I feel that even though I've got more expenses, it's worth it because I'm in an overall a better situation. Yes it cost's more. Still, when I was sitting all those days in another state/province waiting for a run, had someone asked me "it'll cost you $ X to be sitting home rather than out here, would you pay it?" My response would have easily been "yes."

Be well,


Expert Expediter

Yes it sounds like your overhead expenses are going up, but it also sounds like positive investments, real estate and investing in your business with the new van. Money well spent.

Good luck,