border mexico


Staff member
.........This should be very interesting. I don't think I know a single expedite owner operator - or driver who has ever delivered or picked up in Mexico.

....looking forward to the replies.


Veteran Expediter
I have dne cross docks with cv's coming out of mexico and i have dropped close enough to the border that i could have spit into mexico,(nagales ariz and del rio tx) but i ain't goin over there, not a chance in hades...:rolleyes:


Expert Expediter
i never have eather. i have been told word of mouth that us drivers or companies cant go into mexico but that is not true.
it is very rare reasons are paperwork/driver refusal/violence/parts stolen off trucks even rubber off of the gladd hands.


Expert Expediter
chef would it be possible with the company you with. I understand your refusal to do it. Most drivers would not consider doing it eather.


Veteran Expediter
Bolt has a logistics company that goes to mexico, its not the "expedite divison...we do do cross docks with freight coming out of mexico alot..bolt has an office in laredo that services mexico....but again, i ain't goin down there..."it wouldn't be prudent...'....:D


Expert Expediter
trucks do get highjacked in mexico, but rarely if staying in bordertowns. i have talked to tracter trailer o/o,s who drop trailor in tx border wait for mexican to bring trailor back to us. trucks gladdhands and sometimes tires had been replaced with old used up replacements. and ovm one greengo with big stick cant compete with 10 mexicans with berretas.


Expert Expediter
i ll ask question in another way. Has anybody ever been offered a load from your company to get aload to or from mexico?


Expert Expediter
ovm you maybe basically right. but i am curious to hear fromexpediters that have actually done trans mexico loads. all such loads i have seen have always had mexicans bringing load into a us crossdock.


Expert Expediter
Well, I've been over the border a few times for personal travel/pleasure. It's been enough to know that I don't want to go down there for business. With all of the recent drug wars going on, it just reinforces my opinion of the place.


Seasoned Expediter
Having just recently spent a couple days in Laredo and McAllen...its like being in a police state, Border Patrol and other various LEO's thick as fleas. No way would I ever go into Mexico in a FECC truck, feeling like I had ROB ME NOW pasted all over.


Expert Expediter
I was hoping to find one of our members who actually picked up or delivered in mexico. but i guess there is not any. It probley is not worth the risk right now to go to mexico. in future maybe when drug lords are eliminated;)


Veteran Expediter
If the Transporter is seeking some violence/excitement in his life might I suggest East St.Louis. Just as dangerous/exciting and can be done on a tank of fuel from LaGrange.


Veteran Expediter
Having just recently spent a couple days in Laredo and McAllen...its like being in a police state, Border Patrol and other various LEO's thick as fleas. No way would I ever go into Mexico in a FECC truck, feeling like I had ROB ME NOW pasted all over.

You got more to worry about in Memphis than you do in Mexico.


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
I do not believe as of yet American trucks are allowed to cross the border and deliver direct. I think the short lived pilot program that allowed Mexican trucks in the souther US also allowed some US units south of the border. I do not believe any US carriers jumped on the chance. Much like Bolt and E-1, we cross our trailers to Mexican carriers or use our logistics division. It doesn't make economic or safety sense to do it any other way right now.