My last crossings were in the 2005/2006 era. Have crossed numerous times at Buffalo, going in to Canada as well as coming out, had no problems what so ever and do not recall any times longer than 30 minutes at the longest.. If you are going to cross here, when you get on I-190 going towards the bridge, just as you clear the toll booth there is a gas station just off the exit. That is the last one I know of before going into Canada.
Also if you are going further up NE Canada, I have crossed up around the 1,000 Island area (don't recall the exact name of the Canadian Customs site, but if you head up North as far as you can go on I-81 and keep going North it will take you over the bridge. Having crossed here both coming and going, there was hardly any delay what so ever. In all cases they were very professional and easy to deal with.