Boo Hoo......


Veteran Expediter
I read a rather interesting piece about the democratic radio address. It seems that there are democrats who think that we need to raise the mileage standards; “America deserves more fuel efficient cars†which I fully agree.

The little article,
is rather interesting in itself point out that there is a bill in the senate that will raise the standard from the present 27.5 mpg for cars and 22.2 mpg for SUVs and small trucks to 35 MPG beginning in 2020 for a manufactures fleet average.

And of course you have the senators from my state, geniuses as they are, complaining that this will cost jobs, it will be impossible to meet and a bunch of other things that I find as just plain excuses and lies.

My point is that the café standards were met before without extending the standards 13 or 15 years out, why can’t they do it now? We are looking at 2020? Why not 2009?

I strongly feel that we need to get rid of the café standards for the fleet and get it to focus on individual models that will help us the consumer and make it an equal footing for all manufactures regardless where they are from. Yes I recognize the discrepancy within the law about foreign vs. domestic manufactures but I also recognize that the excuses of job lose and inability to conform because of needs outside of the auto industry is just that, an excuse.