No it don't. Ifin I can't drive I can hunt and fish more.
It is going to hurt a LOT of drivers. There is going to be a shortage of government blessed DR. making it harder, and much more expensive, than it used to be. There will be no value gained for the added expense and no proof what so ever that the "guidelines" will improve overall driver health.
I would be willing to bet there will be a MAJOR increase in the numbers of sleep studies, with the proper incentives paid to the government blessed doctors of course. Same can be said for Cpap sales. Those "guidelines" could become a gold mine for government blessed doctors.
The more this moves in this direction the more fraud and corruption there will be, and we will all lose.
Besides, my BMI is already under 35, and it is going down. So the government can, shaking the "8 Ball", waiting for the little triangle to come up into the window, and it says, "EAT MY SHORTS"!!!!!!!!! So there!